Chapter 4 (Help)

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Chapter 4

We made it to my apartment in one piece thankfully. I'm pretty sure my driving scared Michael because even when we parked he held on tightly. We got off the bike and made our way to my apartment door. I pushed open the door and let Michael inside. My apartment wasn't huge but for 2 people it was a good size. I watched Michael as he looked around then made his way to the couch, he sat down and tucked his feet underneath him. He looked so confused, lost and scared. My heart went out to him. I made my way to the couch and sat beside him.

"I think it's time we talk Michael, I need to know everything about you and I will tell you things about myself"

"I have no one. My grandmother killed herself and my whole family abandoned me because they think I'm a monster because of what I have done. I want to be good Angel." He lifted his hand to wipe away the tears that had begun to fall. I reached out and rubbed the tears away with my finger tips. That made him look at me with shocked eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Michael, my parents died a long time ago and I raised myself so I understand what it is to be alone but you will never be alone now. You have me". He looked into my eyes and I saw a glint of happiness and his mouth broke into a large smile. I needed to ask him what he mean't by monster. I knew what he would become if not saved but what has he already done.

"Michael you have power that vibrates off of you. You are different. Why did your family think your a monster?" I slide my hand forward and reached for his hand holding it in mine. I needed him to trust me and to know that it was okay. I was glad when he held my hand in return.

"The reason my grandmother killed herself is because I made her sad and I killed a priest. His words were burning my ears.I just wanted to make him stop" His tears began to flow again. He was in so much pain because of these actions he doesn't understand. Being a Protector of Mankind has always come with a perk, that's being able to sense certain things in people fairly well. Since I saw him I knew that he was strong.

"One day my father explained to me that the people we protect would be from all over the world and from all walks of life. Your special and I think I know someone who can help." Thankfully I knew all my parents allies and there numbers in case I needed them. I stood up to make a quick phone call. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door so Michael couldn't hear me. I dialed the number and pressed the phone to my ear waiting.

Ring.Ring. Ring

"Hello?" I could hear the other person mention on the line.

"Hello, it's me Angel, I need your help. I have a boy here his name is Michael. He is unique and could use some insight, can you be here tomorrow?"

"Yes, I will be there" then the line clicks off and I place my phone back into my pocket and make my way back to Michael. He had fallen asleep on the couch hugging his legs to his chest, his hair had fallen onto his face. I took a blanket to cover him up and pushed his hair out of his face. I noticed how handsome he was, he was about 2 years younger but he had strong features and a sharp jawline.

"I will not let you become a monster" you whispered and sat beside him falling asleep. I didn't want to leave his side.

*Next Morning. 9:00am*

There was a knock at the door and I looked to see him still asleep. I quickly got up and looked through the peep hole on the door. I smiled widely and swung open the door to let my visitor in.

"Thank you so much for making it Goode"

"Oh Dear, just call me Cordelia"

I hope you all are enjoying this story. I am keeping some aspects but changing a lot around so it's not 100% like the show.

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