Chapter 5 (Safe Hands)

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"Come in Cordelia please, he is sleeping on the couch". I held the door open so she could walk into my apartment. She gasped as she looked at the boy gripping my arm. She could feel his power and the pain he felt.

"The darkness is trying to take him but he can be saved." Cordelia said as she walked up to Michael and placed her arm on his shoulder. Michaels eyes sprung open and he quickly sat up to look at Cordelia and me. He could sense that this older women was powerful like him.

"Michael this women is going to help us , she has what you have, just trust her". I saw him searching my eyes for more and all he did was nod and say that he trusted me, which mean't he trusted my decisions. Me and Cordelia moved into my bedroom so we could discuss happens next. I told her everything that happened that night that I found him and the 3 hooded figures. She mentioned how they must be cult members believing he was there savior. They would stop at nothing to find him. That made me nervous.

"I can help him but he must come with me, I can teach him and show him the light, it will take some time but I know I can help him" she stated.

"Okay we will pack and be ready to....", she raised her hand stopping me mid sentence.

"You can't enter my school, no human can"

"But how will I protect him, I can't leave his side." I protested. He was my responsibility and I told him I wouldn't leave his side, I can't break his trust.

"Angel, he would be in the safest place. No one can enter that is not welcome. If you don't let me help him, he will never learn how to control himself. You want to protect him, then protect him from himself". She looked me deep in the eyes and I knew she was right.

"Okay but I want an update on how he  is doing and I want to talk to him all the time"

"Of course dear, now let's wake him, the time is now"

Michael didn't like the idea of leaving me but he knew it needed to happen. He didn't have any of his own items in my apartment. He had only been here one night but I still managed to pack him a small bag with things he would need. I watched the car drive away and I felt a pinch in my heart not only because he was mine to protect but also because at this moment I felt so alone without him.

Now what I needed to do with Michael in safe hands was find those 3 people who where looking for him.

I'm sorry this is short!!🙈

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