Chapter 3( The Three)

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He asked me once again, "Protect me from what Angel?".

"From everything Michael, including yourself".

He looked at me with curious eyes trying to figure out what exactly I was talking about. After a couple moments of silence I could see that his mind was going at a thousand miles per hour trying to figure out what I mean't by including yourself but deep down he knew that he was different and he so desperately wanted to be good. He knew he needed help and here I was offering.

His voice was barely a whisper and he was now looking at me with tearful pained eyes, "I need help, I don't know why I do these things but I don't want to".

"Michael my only purpose is to help you, guide you and protect you. I don't know what has happened in your life but if you want to tell me I will listen". I moved closer to Michael and stretched out my hand for him to take. He looked at my out stretched hand and took it. I moved in the direction of the door wanting to get out of this house and get him away from the chaos in this home. I felt him tug me in the other direction, I spun around & looked at him.

"We should leave Michael, I have an apartment. There you can stay with me and we can talk in the morning". I tried to move again but he wouldn't budge.

"I can't leave just yet, I need to say goodbye to someone even if they don't want to hear it. You can sleep with me upstairs in my room, you won't be bothered with me." He stated as he tugged me up the stairs towards his bedroom that was all the way down the dark hall. Once inside I looked around the simple room, there was only a small bed in the center with a chair in the corner. It was obvious that no one really lived here yet the inside was in perfect condition compared to the outside of the house. I made my way to the chair and took a heavy seat. Michael had moved to sit cross legged under the blankets with his back leaning against the headboard. He just kept staring at me so spoke.

"It's pretty late Michael we should get some rest"

"How do you know my name?" He asked.

I sat up a little straighter and started to pop my knuckles, I did that when I got nervous and for some reason his gaze was making me nervous. "I just know your name, it's part of this whole thing, it's kind of hard to explain and it's late. Let's go to sleep Michael. In the morning you'll say your goodbyes and then we leave this place"

He simply nodded, turned off the lamp beside him and slide down into his bedsheets. It's crazy to think he barley new me and yet he invited me in and didn't fight me on leaving this place. He desperately wanted someone around him.  He was alone and that made me sad.  I got comfortable on the chair to the best of my abilities because well it was a chair and sleeping in a chair isn't comfortable. I finally was able to drift off to sleep when suddenly my skin started to feel like it was on fire from the inside out, I felt myself grip the armrest and the second vision began.

I was standing in chaos and ruins of what was once the living world. I could smell the burnt flesh from thousands of souls and as I walked over the ashes of what were once homes and people. In the distance I could see a grey arch way of what must have once been a church. As I moved closer I could see that standing underneath the arch way was a white faced monster. He was laughing with his arms outstretched and his laugh was not from this world but I knew who this was. It was Michael and he was the Antichrist. Suddenly like a movie scenes started flashing all round me showing the end of times, structures that looked like outpost and then I watched my body burned with the rest of the world. This is what Michael would become if he wasn't saved. He would bring the end times. I saw myself turning to ash, then suddenly I was outside of Murder House and I could see 3 hooded people at the door.

I woke up from my vision with a gasp and jumped out of the chair. I quickly moved to Michael and my instinct was to look behind his ear. There was nothing, he hasn't been marked yet. I was jolted by 3 loud knocks at the front door downstairs. The 3 hooded figures from my vision were here and they were here to create the white faced monster.

"Michael, MICHAEL!! Wake up we need to leave now!"

"What's wrong what's happening?" Michael asked as he started to sit up. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of bed and pulled him towards the window. I pushed it open and looked down thankfully the tree near by and overgrown and the branches were near the window. We were going to have to climb the tree and make a run for my bike. I pushed Michael out the window not even letting him put on his shoes. I quickly climbed out after him and we made our way down. I told him to stay silent as I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me. The 3 figures were in conversation and pounding on the door. I waited for the knocks to make a run for it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I grabbed his hand and made a sprint  for my bike. "Hold on to me Michael and whatever you do don't let go. Trust me"  I said once I straddled the bike and pulled him on behind me. I felt him nod as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I started the bike and roared the engine putting her into drive.

The 3 figures heard the nose and rain towards the bike but the bike was out of reach. The small women with dark hair that was cut short pulled off her hood and looked to the other two.

"That boy is our savior and we need to find him, no matter what"

Okay so this chapter is long and I apologize. I hope you enjoyed it.

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