Chapter 6 (I Can Protect You)

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Chapter 6

2 Years Later

For the last 2 years I have spoken to Michael almost everyday and received updates from Cordelia about his well being and progress. He was very powerful and was learning at an intense rate. She kept telling me that he was shinning in the light and doing great. On his 18th birthday they held a large ceremony for him, he was ascending and he was now even stronger then before. Cordelia mentioned that I could finally take him home because he was ready.

Within the 2 years Michael has been flourishing and I have been hunting down the 3 people that were looking for him. For months I tracked and I stalked my prey until I found them one by one. The tall bald man was easy and didn't put up a fight. Next I found the other women with brown hair, she too was an easy prey, she wanted death. The 3rd women though with dark short hair was another story. She was smart and tactical,she has been moving around not staying in one place. I manage to find her locations but by the time I get there she is gone. I found out that her name is Miriam Mead and is a cult member. I managed to find her small home but when I got there she had already packed and was on the move. All she left behind was the aftermath of evil doings. I needed to find her before she found him, especially now that Michael was coming back to me. I knew he could protect himself with his gifts but this woman could persuade him, manipulate him.

It was time for me to pick up Michael and I was very nervous. I wonder if he looked different, was his hair longer or shorter? Was he taller? I jumped onto my bike and made my way to Michael. Once again I knew exactly where to go. I would always know where to find him that was part of the deal. After some time, I found the school parked out front. I called Cordelia to let her know I was here outside waiting. I saw the doors swing open and out stepped Cordelia and Michael.

I was completely stunned.

His hair was still blonde and past his shoulders, and he wore all black. When I made eye contact with those stunning eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat, not in the way it did the first time I meet him. This was something different, attraction. He had a beaming smile and he looked so happy compared to the last time I saw him. I got off my bike and walked halfway up the walkway to meet him. Michael pulled me in and gave me a large embrace, he smelled amazing, I couldn't help but blush. What was happening to me right now.

"Your hair Michael" I said as I reached forward to grab a strand of his hair. It felt so soft between my fingers.

"Do you like it?" He asked with a voice much deeper than before. I couldn't help but swoon. I think he noticed because he ended up with this smirk and a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"I like it, it suits you very well, it grew so fast". I realized I still hadn't released his hair so I quickly dropped my hand. All I could think to myself at that moment was, Angel control yourself.

We said goodbye to Cordelia and promised to be back soon. I straddled my motorcycle and felt Michael slide on behind me and slip his arms around my waist. I was very aware of his body pressed against mine, his scent and the way his arms felt holding me close. I needed to control my emotions because I'm pretty sure he can sense them.

Once we got back to the apartment, he quickly noticed the changes I had made for him. I replaced the couch with a futon so he can sleep. I also added an extra dresser in the my bedroom for all of his clothing. It was simple but it made him smile. I had missed his birthday but I did plan on making it up to him today.

"Okay Michael, so I missed your birthday and for that I'm sorry but how about I make it up to you today. How do you feel about ordering a bunch of pizza and binge watching on movies?"

"I would like that very much" he said with a huge smile. I wanted him to just feel normal for once, maybe it was for him and for myself. He held my gaze with a big smile, if he kept looking at me like that I'd melt. This was new for me. I saved him when he was a boy and only had him around for one night, then he was gone for 2 years and right now there is a man in my living room and wow is he beautiful.

This is going to be difficult.

The pizza got here and we opened up the futon to lay out as bed so we can stretch out, we were both tall. The bed was covered in pepperoni pizza boxes. We ended up catching up more then watching the movies. I moved the food to the table and shut off the television. I was enjoying all of our conversation. This is something that I missed, sitting across from someone talking about everything and anything. I looked at the clock and noticed it said 10:00.

"I can't believe it's 10:00, time flies when your having fun." I liked his company.

"I really enjoyed today, thank you" he placed his hand on top of mine and held it there.

I held his hand in return, " Your welcome Michael".

A couple moments passed and the next thing I knew his mouth crashed onto mine. My eyes widened in shock, what was happening?! He slid his hand to the back of my hair pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him away. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Michael we can't, I-I I'm supposed to...."

"Angel, stop." His voice silenced me and he held my gaze. If he keeps looking at me like this I won't be able to resist.

"I'm not a child anymore, and you don't have to worry about me. I can protect myself and you. I am powerful, Cordelia said so herself."

"But we don't know each other." I stated. I was trying to look everywhere else but his eyes. He placed his finger underneath my chin making me look at those eyes.

"All those phone calls for 2 years mean't everything to me. I know you and you know me." he said leaning in once more. This time I let him kiss me. A kiss that started off slowly then got deeper, he laid me down on the futon, his hands now roaming my body.

I can't believe this is happening.

Wow this chapter is LONG! I didn't mean for get to get this long but I needed to explain what Angel has done for those 2 years. The next chapter will be dirty so brace yourself.

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