Chapter 8 (Mead)

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Miriam Mead Pov

I was sick and tired of this girl being on my ass. She always managed to find my locations but I was always a step ahead and on the move. The boy belonged to us and I would do anything for our savior. That night we visited him at his home was an important night,the night of the marking. The beast was to have him marked with 666 behind his right ear. He would feast on the heart of a human sacrifice and give himself to his father, but that dam girl took him from us. She managed to find us, killing off the other two.

They were weak!

Bastards didn't even put up a fight. I was not weak, I would find our savior and convince him to join me so he can fulfill his destiny. I went back to the home that night and learned that the boys name is Michael Langdon. I formulated a plan, and with this plan there is no way he would turn me away, but first I needed to get rid of  this girl.

I managed to find her little apartment. I watched from across the street hidden in the darkness of the near by homes. Her and Michael parked out front, he was a man now. I watched as they made their way inside. I thought of striking at that moment but it wouldn't be wise.

It's time to execute the plan.

Angel POV

I feel the sun peaking in through the curtains and I looked over to the clock on my nightstand. It was 10:00am. Michael still held me in his arms and I couldn't help but smile at last night events. It was amazing, powerful and so kinky.  Who would have thought Michael Langdon would be so kinky. I felt a flutter in my chest at the thoughts of him being dominate. I felt his body stir beside me.

"Good morning darling." He stretched his long arms out over his hand and brought them back down to lay on his chest.

"Good morning Michael, did you sleep well," I asked looking up and into his striking eyes.  I could get lost in his eyes.

"Yes I did and I wonder why." He said with a huge smile on his lips. He moved his hand in my direction and pushed a stray curl behind my ear.   I could get used to this.

I smiled up at Michael and quickly straddled him. He placed his hands on my hips as I began kissing his neck. He let out a light moan, when all of a sudden we were interrupted by the loud sound of my hungry stomach. I let out a small giggle.   Thanks stomach.

"I take it someone is hungry," He said now sliding his hand over my belly. "Let's eat." He stood up from bed, holding me as I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked to the kitchen. He set me down on the far end of the counter.

"I haven't had a chance to buy groceries, let's get dressed and we can stop by the store. I jumped off the counter and was making my way to the bedroom.

"No, don't get dressed I'll stop by the store and pick up a few things. " He was already in the bedroom, putting on his clothing. I was gonna have to get used to this magic stuff. "Let me come with you it's fine, " I protested. I really didn't want to leave him alone especially with that threat still out there. "Angel, don't worry. I can destroy anyone with the snap of my fingers." He snapped his fingers at the same time. "It will be quick I promise." He kissed the top of my head and with a flash was out the door.

Dam it Michael.

Michaels POV

I entered the small grocery store and made my way down the aisles. I promised I'd be quick so I'll only pick up what was needed for now. I picked up a loaf of bread, and a can of peanut butter. I made my way to the fruits and vegetables picking up some avocados. I round the corner to grab a cartoon of eggs and bacon.   That's it for now.

I had everything I needed inside of my basket and made my way to the register. With my powers I could have just made food appear but I want to impress Angel and actually cook. Cordelia and shown me a couple things here and there. I wanted to show Angel what I'd learned. I walked up to the cashier and placed my basket on the counter. I felt something hit the back of my foot and I looked down to see what it was. It was a a can of baked beans,  I reached down to pick up the can.

"Oh I'm so sorry, the can just slipped right out of my old hands" a woman's voice said from above me. I stood up and handed the can back to an older short woman with short dark hair and dark lipstick. "Here you go ma'am"

"You can call me Miriam, Miriam Mead."

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