11. Skyleap

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The ColdClan camp quickly descended into chaos once more, with screaming cats flying across the dusty ground trying to round up there loved ones. Mudstar stood shell-shocked for a moment, before the ever-wise Redflight nudged him a little and the brown tom leapt into action.

"Enough!" He thundered, his voice carrying effectively across the clearing. "I will not allow one cat to threaten the safety and sanctuary of my clan!" 

Settling a little, though still clearly on edge, cats of all ages huddled together protectively. The tension was high in the clan and Skyleap felt it cutting into her bones. Though the murderer may not be among them currently, she pulled her kits closer to her chest -- there was no way she would allow any of them to be alone in a time like this. She glanced down at them, checking that they weren't too scared. The amber-coloured Antkit was trembling the most, so she tucked him closest to her chest; she had a soft spot for the quiet kit as he was one of the sweetest young cats she'd ever met. His heart was nothing but love and warmth, much like her sister Sunstorm. Batkit and Mothkit, the two kits who usually fell out the most often in the den, where sat side by side with their tails wrapped around each other. Though they sometimes argued, they were more similar than they could imagine; both had nerves of steel and even when they were shaken, they still composed themselves. Icepaw was a little older than the other kits, and sat further away from her, watching the chaos in the camp with his bright blue eyes. Reaching over, she rasped her tongue over his head in one quick motion, trying to show him that she hadn't forgotten her adopted son.

Her attention turned back to her clanmates, who still all looked lost and confused. Redflight and Mudstar seemed to share few words, glancing over at Sunstorm who was tending to the cats who had found the body and checking them for any physical injuries. Skyleap could hear her calming tone from where she sat, and she couldn't help but give a slight smile at the voice she knew so well. 

  "I need some cats to help Sunstorm." Mudstar finally began barking his orders out. "We need to move Roseflower, Tallnose and Robinpaw to Sunstorm's den!"

Sootleg's dark body appeared at Tallnose's side, worryingly pushing against his son who seemed paralysed. As Tallnose leaned on his father, Mistheart gently nudged Robinpaw's cheek. Webfall was still at his side, staring at his son with a face full of worry. The pair also made their way over towards the entrance to the medicine cat den. That left Roseflower, who trembled into her mother's pelt, her father also there licking her pelt. Lakeheart and Silvernose guided the young cat towards the den, and Sunstorm made up the rear. Noticing Sunstorm glance at Mudstar, she saw the worried look the pair of them shared. Events like these could leave cats' mental states scarred for life.

"Redflight, Creekwillow, Owlfoot,  and Skyleap... I want you to join me as we go and see the body. We need to establish what happened and who has been killed." Eyes darting around, they eventually landed on his mate and his gaze softened a little. "Mosspelt is in charge. She will make sure no harm comes to any of you -- I trust her with my life."

With that, he signalled with his tail for the group to follow him. The urgency was unparalleled, but Skyleap had to pause as she realised Mudstar had forgotten her priority. When she looked at her kits, she didn't want to leave them... they were her everything now. A cat appeared at her side, gently flicking her tail over Skyleap's grey back.

"I shall look after them, Skyleap. Do not fear." It was the gentle voice of Fawngaze, whose kindness extended further than any other cat she'd ever known. The kits adored Fawngaze and her sons, Frogpaw and Crowpaw. 

"Be safe, my kin." She whispered, licking each of their heads individually. 

With that, she was chasing after the party of cats who were already making pace down the rocky mountain side, through the trees that sheltered it. Living up to her name, she jumped over fallen branches and scampered through piles of leaves. It had been a while since she'd leapt around like this, and she realised how much she'd missed racing through the woodlands hunting squirrels.

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