12. Sunstorm

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Standing in the entrance to the medicine cat den, Sunstorm impatiently pawed at the ground beneath her. There was a frown burdening her gentle features. As the sun had shifted in its usual pattern across the sky, Sunstorm's worry had grown heavier and heavier and the weight in her throat couldn't be swallowed. The group that had left were not back yet, and of course, Sunstorm was a nervous wreck, half expecting to have to send out a patrol only to find the dead bodies of her sister and her clanmates. 

Those who had found the second body had been shaken to the core, and she could hardly blame them. Her mind flickered back to the moment of her precious Larkwing's death, remembering how cold and empty her body had been when the life ebbed away from her. All those who died would walk with StarClan now, and leave the husks of their previous self to the earth.

Robinpaw and Roseflower had been the pair she had been most worried about, as Tallnose had always been brave and was recovering quickly. The two youngest cats had been looked over by Sunstorm, and she'd been thankful to find no physical injuries. Thankfully, they were now resting in their own dens -- Roseflower snuggled close to Rowanwhisker, watched over by her parents, and Robinpaw of course protected by Webfall. Though she didn't particularly like the antagonistic tom, she couldn't fault his commitment to his family.

Unlike her own father.

Sunstorm remembered her visit to HeatClan, and how her father had explained that the killer may have truly been after him. Who would want to kill Cloudstar? Someone jealous that he had become deputy, perhaps? For a heartbeat, she wondered if perhaps one of her own kin -- Berrystep, or even Skyleap -- could have wanted to kill Cloudstar for what they'd done to her family. But she knew them both, and trusted them with her life. Murder just wasn't in their nature; her mother had always preached love, and although Skyleap could be quick to anger, she knew that her sister wouldn't risk losing her kits.

A voice broke the silence that she had been musing in, and her head darted towards it.

"Sunstorm?" It was Herb who spoke, but Trek was by his side, and the pair were both accompanied by Stagfoot who had taken them under his wing (and who towered above the pair of them). Clementine wasn't with them; the last time she'd seen the young cat, she'd been helping keep the kits entertained and their minds off what they had heard. Sunstorm was proud that the clan seemed to like and trust the ginger she-cat, as Sunstorm herself enjoyed Clem's company.

"Is everything ok?" She asked politely.

Herb looked like an utterly black shadow next to Trek, who's pelt glowed magnificently in the sunlight. She realised just how impressive his markings and colouring was in that moment, but didn't want to stare, so turned her attention back to the green eyes of Herb.

"We're 'lright, but we were wonderin' if there was anything we could do for yous?" 

Considering the proposal for a second, she turned on her heels to peer back into the darkness of her den. When her eyes grew accustomed to the light, she studied the piles of herbs lining the cave walls, and noticed that her goatweed supplies were particularly low -- she'd used it as a calming agent for the three cats who'd found the body. 

"Goatweed," she thought out loud, before turning and repeating it to Herb. "I need goatweed. Maybe Stagfoot could show you where to get some? You should be careful; the murderer might still be out there. Thank you so much for your help, though." She added.

Herb and Stagfoot nodded at each other, before heading off in the direction of the stream. Stagfoot knew exactly what to look for -- when he'd been a kittypet, he'd used herbs himself.

Watching them leave, she noticed that Trek had gone to follow them, but then seemingly changed his mind. When he turned back around, their eyes met, and for a second, Sunstorm felt hot under her pelt. 

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