Five Seconds of Heaven [5SOS FF]

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Five Seconds of Heaven.


“Why the hell are you here, though? It sucks here.” I glanced sideways at him as I sat down, crossing my arms.

“Look, I might hate you and we might be mortal enemies but I’m not as mean to leave you here alone.” He sighed, sitting down beside me. “And I might even get to know you, too.”

“Thank you, I guess. “ He only shrugged. Jerk.

“Also…” he trailed off; I looked at him, anticipating his next words.

“I would like to find out why you hate me so much.”

My breath caught. Well this was going to be a very long night.

I liked him, I liked him a lot. But I knew my feelings would never be reciprocated and so I pretended I hated him, and everybody bought the lie. Except my best friends, who dug the truth out from me.  And not to mention, he caught on and started to hate me, too.

Perfect right? I know, well isn’t life just great. And so my façade went on for about a year and a half now, then here we are. Sitting by each other on the street, oh.

“Oops, look at the time! I should really get going.” I beamed (fake, duh.) at him and got up.

“Kristen, look, you don’t even have a watch.” He looked at me like I was a weirdo…I am. But shit ugh, great going there, Kristen.

“And your point is…? I really have to go, though.” I lied through my teeth.

Then suddenly, raindrops started falling. Don’t worry, man. I still love you, God.

“You know, Kristen, I will not leave until you tell me why!” Luke yelled through the rain.

“Why what?” I acted as though I didn’t know hehe.

Stop the act. Calum told me everything.

Five Seconds of Heaven [5SOS FF]Where stories live. Discover now