5SOH-Chapter Two.

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“Hey! Cal, bro!” Michael and Ashton hollered as soon as Calum and I walked in.

“And hello to you, too.” Michael winked at me.

“Ew, Michael, seriously?” I bet my face twisted into some gawky weird derp expression. Why? Everybody started laughing. Ugh, life couldn’t get any better, can it?

Then suddenly, everybody hushed. “What the hell is going o-what!” Calum elbowed my side halfway through my sentence.  “Fuck you that hurt!” I stomped on his feet….hard, earning a nice, loud, shrill yelp from him. He glared at me, before nudging his head at some direction.

“What?”  I cocked my head to the side. I turned to look…oh, I see what now… The fuck. “Oh look at the cocky bastard swag in.”

“Shut up,” Luke snapped.

“No, you shut up, I was here first.”  I smirked, knowing that I have done enough to piss him off and ruin his day…already!

“Must you do this every day, Kristen? Seriously?” Luke groaned.

“Hey guys! What did I miss?” Lorraine decided she’d appear now, eh? Nobody said anything and she started working her puppy dog eyes on Michael, and being the flirt that he is he caved in.

“Kristen did her usual.” Everybody groaned, even Luke slapped him upside his head. ‘What! Have you seen her eyes?! It’s like Puss in Boots on a girl!”

“Whore,” I grumbled, crossing my arms. “Lorraine, was that necessary though? Oh and what did you do to your hair!” It had pink and blue highlights all over it.

“Just got some highlights! It looks so cool and I love pink and blue. Oh wow.”  It’s not hard to see that Lorraine isn’t the smartest girl on the block, but could definitely be the prettiest.

But she does look amazing with the new highlights though, “Um guys let’s go.” Calum’s voice broke me away from my…blabbering? “Kristen, explain yourself.” He whispered as we walked towards our first lesson of the day.

“Explain what?” I frowned, thinking of whatever I have done in the past hour that could have pissed him off. “No, seriously, what?”

“Those whole act with Luke, once again. I thought you said you’d stop?” I laughed in his face, stopping in my tracks, causing Michael, Ashton, Luke and Lorraine to stare at us…or me.

“I didn’t say that, you fool!” I smacked him, still laughing. “Ah…let’s go.” I grabbed his hand and ran towards our classroom. Funny and great thing about this year is that our old school caught on fire. It’s crazy, I know but they built a substitute school and here everything changed. For instance, no more uniforms!

But the boys can’t survive though, they only have about five sets of clothes they wear regularly and because of the school uniforms their clothes lasts them longer. While us girls are rejoicing and are on the verge of burning the uniforms to scraps, but just in case, we didn’t.


“Check yes Juliet, you’re a bimbo! Boobs so huge they make a pillow! Boys, boys, boys, and boys are lining outside…”  I yelled-sang as the boys were eating their measly proportioned chips. I got more, ha! Well, it’s not my fault the lunch lady actually likes me more.

Then they all stared at me like I grew a second head. “Run baby run?” I asked, confused. They all started laughing.

“How did you even come up with something like that?”  Ashton was surprised yet amused.

“I don’t know, words rhyme. Run baby run! Don’t ever look back! You’ll tear em’ apart, because you are whack! Your boobs, they’re fine but girls are jealous oh. Run baby run, forever will be, you in pee!”

“What the hell, you just ruined a perfectly perfect song.” Luke threw a chip at me.

And what the hell, when you sang it you forgot.” This was the best part about annoying Luke; he will flare up and throw a hissy fit until some hoe comes by to coax him to sh. This week’s hoe bag is….JULIET MCWINTERY!

“What’s your problem, for the love of god!” he yelled, everybody now staring at us.

“Indefinitely, you.” I smiled a sickly smile, obviously being sarcastic.

“Do you seriously hate me that much?” his face was now level with my face, we were so close. His hot breath was fanning across my cheeks and my eyes were scanning his. A simple nudge and our lips would have met.

“Luke, darling, don’t bother about her. She is just a pretty bitch who is jealous of you.” Uh yeah, the hoe bag of the week basically, came up and wrapped her arms around her baby. GAG.

“I take that back, she isn’t even pretty.” Juliet smirked as she walked away with Luke.

“That bitch, I swear…” I muttered under my breath.

“WHOA THAT WAS INTENSE.” Michael’s eyes looked like that of a goldfish’s and his mouth was shaped in an ‘O’. Idiot.

“Shut up,” I snapped, throwing my chips at him.


“What was that,” Lorraine whispered as I slid back into my seat. Everybody was pretty much shaken, even though this happened every day.

But what scared me was the intensity in his gaze.

Pure hatred.





----------------à>>>>>>>> Lorraine :3

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