Chapter Three: The Arrival of the Poladeans

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Bradley's car approached a small tower that held a box shaped object twice the size of his vehicle. They had to wait in line as another flying car was already waiting in front of them. Bradley positioned the car to line up behind the waiting car. 

A door opened revealing the inside of the box was empty. The car before them flew inside and the door closed behind it. The tower shook and made all sorts of noise like that of metal hitting metal and what sounded like loose bolts. The door of the box opened again once more to reveal that the car in front of them was no longer inside.

"I don't like the looks of that thing," June said. 

"What if it turns us inside out? Or what if . . . . .we end up lost . . . someplace far away!" She said jokingly.

"Do not say things like that Juniper! It is not possible," Rufus yelled giving June a stern look. 

"It would take like five minutes to fly home!" June yelled back folding her arms in an impatient manner.

"We use gate travel as a means to prevent air traffic congestion," Rufus added.

"The gates just been maintained!" Bradley replied to both Rufus and June as he pointed at the sign on the tower.

"Come up here son and type in the home address," Bradley turned to Sam and asked.

"Sure Dad!" Sam jumped out of his seat in the back section of the vehicle and strapped in to the chair next to his dad. He typed in the address of his neighborhood gate.

The door opened and they entered. As they left the area none of them had noticed that while they were waiting in the car, above them there was a very strange spiral cloud in the sky.

High above Earth, a new star ship had just arrived. The wake left by its large interstellar engines had created this cosmic spiral cloud due to the length of its long voyage. This ship which was the size of a small city would be welcomed shortly by representatives of the Earth's Space Fleet and the fleets of the extraterrestrial ambassador's from a governing body known as the Star Nations.

The people in the fleets of the ambassadors and Earth's E.S.F. had known of each other for several years. Many of the Earth ships were of a military design similar to that of naval warships of the past, long bulky and gray in color. The ambassador fleets had many different styles of star ships, some looked elegant with royal markings and some had sharp edges and similar to the naval style look of the Earth ships. 

Many of the extraterrestrials in the ambassador fleets were very similar to the humans of Earth not only in appearance but in many other aspects. The ambassadors were carefully selected to serve on Earth due to this very reason when it came to first contact.

They were given the task of teaching the humans about the known Universe and to introduce them gradually to other intelligent beings that are vastly different.

It was out of pure luck that Reegan was just within the range of appearing similar enough to a Human that the Star Nations allowed him to remain during the years of first contact visitations.

Reegan was the first to encounter the Humans of Earth and report it to the Star Nations council. The ship that belonged to Reegan was Saucer shaped with various attachments added that seemed to counteract the beauty of a nice sleek core vessel. The two most prominent attachments were large bulky engines in the back and in the front a large drill shaped device.

The interior of Reegan's ship was circular much like the disk shape of the outside. It looked as though at some point it had been a very sterile environment but was now filled with all of the treasures Reegan had collected from his many visits to the surface of Planet Earth.

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