Chapter Nine: The Prophetigress

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In a far away land there was a great fantastical hall within a magnificent palace. It had polished marble floors, stone walls and glorious pillars of elegantly carved wood. There were many large windows in this great hall, one of which held the view on one evening of a Blue Star. The light of this Blue Star was special to the people of this land because it could repel evil. It had protected the borders of their country for many years with the help of amplification towers that were built to keep out their enemy, the Grotesques.

That evening however a panic had set in when the advisors in the royal council watched the once very bright Blue Star become faint in the sky. They advised the Queen to speak with the Great Spirit about this matter. Queen TyrAnna was the only one who could enter the Temple and speak with the Great Spirit as she was not only the Queen but also a Prophetigress.

A Prophetigress is the one who receives Prophetic visions and converses with the Great Spirit for her people. This made her duty much greater during the dark times they now faced.

And the times were truly dark indeed as this country was the last free land for her people. Beyond the wall the people had become slaves of the Grotesques and forced to construct large mysterious structures they did not yet know the purpose of.

The Council waited patiently and hopefully for the Queen and after some time the doors of the Temple opened. The Queen walked towards them, She was a tall woman with a long, shiny sky blue dress and although she was very strong she walked with elegance and grace. She stopped before the council and her intent was to speak to them in a dignified manner however it was clear to everyone that something was troubling her. Before she could speak she looked through the window.

The sun was setting and the Blue Star was flickering erratically, She knew this meant there would be little blue light this night to protect her people. The council watched this with the Queen for a short while but turned once again towards the Queen who remained still and continued to gaze at the Blue Star. Queen TyrAnna looked to the council as they were all waiting to hear what the Great Spirit had to tell her. She had tried very hard to maintain her composure and to be strong for her people but this day the weight of the burden was too much and she began to cry.

"The Great Spirit will not speak to me and has not for a long time now," She said.

Everyone could see that Queen TyrAnna's cheeks were soaking wet from crying. Her servant used a cloth to dry her furry cheeks and then brushed them.

"We could ask the Princess to speak with the Great Spirit," One of the council members suggested.

"No! Not my young daughter! It would be too much for her to bear!" She cried.

"We don't have a choice," Another council member told her.

"She is not yet of age!" The Queen stated. The council members looked to the leader of the council. His name was Tafficious and he was the wisest among them , he took this as a sign that they wished him to speak for the rest.

"My Queen, for a long time now, you have been strong for our people. Now please give our Princess the opportunity to be strong for our people," Tafficious stated and the Queen listened to him. She called for one of her royal guards who was standing outside. This royal guard's name was Carlyle, he was a dashing young guardsmen who often was assigned protection duty for the Princess.

"Carlyle, go and find Candillice and tell her I wish to speak with her," Queen TyrAnna ordered Carlyle. He stroked his whiskers then bowed with a dignified manner.

"At once, your majesty," Carlyle answered and ran off to find Candillice. The Queen and the council continued to look through the large window. They stood motionless as they could only watch the light of the Blue Star fading.

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