Chapter Six: The Legend of LyrAndal

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As president of the local young astronomers club , Rufus was excited for what promised to be a clear night for stargazing.

The members of the club and their guests would spend an entire hour with Reegan before the main event. It was a reward for their high grades in school.

Not only did they get to spend an hour with Reegan before the event but also they were given special access to telescopes of extraterrestrial design.

Rufus was the first to be welcomed by Reegan and invited to come and look into the eyepiece of one of his telescopes. 

Rufus could see that these telescopes were not too large, they sat on a tripod with a built in touch screen. At first glance he didn't think they were too different from what his club was using, but as he glanced into the eyepiece his mouth dropped at the high resolution detail the telescope provided.

"Top of the line! I Just ordered these from an intergalactic catalogue!" Reegan boasted to Rufus.

"Would  it be possible to view the Poladeans new ship from our current location?" Rufus asked.

"Lets have a look!" Reegan answered as he stepped confidently towards the touch screen on the telescope. 

"Just need to type in a search for star ships in orbit and . . . . voila! Now just follow the arrows," Reegan explained.

Rufus looked into the eyepiece again, there were flashing red arrows appearing over the stars. He followed the arrows until a giant silver star ship appeared in his sight. The star ship was bracketed but no name appeared under the brackets.

"Magnificent! That is indeed a magnificent vessel!" Rufus exclaimed

The other children quickly typed in the coordinates into their telescopes so they could see it as well.

"From down here it has the appearance of an enormous flying sail ship! And look I have access to the web site where the name selection referendum is in progress." Rufus informed everyone.

The other young astronomers overheard Rufus and they watched him access the website on the touch screen. 

There was an option to input a name or vote on one of the popular names.

One section of this web site featured a video explaining all the necessary details about this star ship and how it would be protecting the Earth's star system. After the children voted they   continued to observe through their telescopes. 

While the other children were amazed just by the sheer size and stylish design what the Poladeans had built. Rufus looked at Reegan with another question in mind.

"Sir Reegan, if I may ask. . . . . would it be possible to view your own star ship among the stars this evening?" 

"It's docked to the side of the Poladeans ship. . . just zoom in to the left you should see it." Reegan replied.

 Rufus looked back to the telescope's eye piece excitedly.

"I have read much about it. The first of the Star Nations' vessels to discover Earth. It is quite the famous ship!" Rufus said.

"There it is! Hmm, it is much smaller than I imagined. What do you call it?" Rufus asked.

Reegan paused to think, nobody had ever asked him the name of his star ship before.

"Home!" Reegan replied with a warm smile.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Reegans event over by a large campfire, there were nearly two hundred people that had started to gather.

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