Chapter Forty Three: Her Promise

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Candillice looked away from her Grandfather's body. 

She turned towards the horde of enemies that had amassed to claim her, she was ready to accept her fate, but something unexpected happened. 

She could no longer hear any sound and there was no movement, it was as though time had frozen.

This feels like the dream I had before meeting Tiya she thought.

"Tiya?" She questioned out loud.

"Tiya are you here?" She asked.

"I am lost," a faint voice replied.

"Tiya where are you? Does Adimniss have you? Is she hurting you?" Candillice asked.

"No! I am alone! Come and find me," the faint voice explained.

Candillice was confused, she did not know what Tiya meant by saying that she was lost. 

The entire room turned white and she knew for certain that she was back in her dream vision. But this time it was a very different vision Candillice saw as the room changed to how the throne room looked years ago when she was just a small girl.

It was the night of the ball celebrating the birth of her brother Siamisha, Candillice walked through the Tigris that were dancing to see the throne where her Grandfather sat. On his knee was young Candillice when she was very little, she was smiling and enjoying the music. Her mother and father were there sitting next to King LyrAndal and they too were smiling happily as they looked down at the crib before them.

Little Candillice jumped from her Grandfathers lap to see her little brother. She shook the baby rattler for the small kitten, he scratched at the rattler and missed scratching Candillice's paw.

"Ouch!" she yelled. 

But she smiled and continued playing with her little brother.

"I remember this night! This is my last happy memory from my childhood!"

Her attention turned away towards the door where she saw a very young Carlyle who was then a junior guard in training. He had been given door duty and was waiting diligently to open the doors for the important guests who were invited to the ball. Carlyle was tapping his feet to the music. But he was sure not to get carried away, he would straighten his posture many times to make a good impression on his mentors when they looked his way.

There was a knock on the door and Candillice turned to see an eager Carlyle jump at the opportunity to open it for the new guests. The music was louder than ever and Candillice was filled with nostalgia when she saw the new Tigris that entered the room. 

Some were dressed in elegant robes while others wore plain clothes and some appeared to be farmers and fishermen. They were all representatives from the various nations and industries across the planet. The music finished playing and the dancing Tigris cleared the floor so they could approach the throne. Afterwards to little Candillice's amazement many young Tigris entered the throne room bearing gifts and crafts they had made for her and the Prince.

They too bowed before her and the small Prince.

"Grandfather who are they?" Little Candillice asked.

"They are Tigris who have come from very far to see you and the little Prince!" King LyrAndal explained.

"Why me?" Little Candillice asked.

"Because one day they will look to you for guidance and strength," He explained.

"Strong like you?" she asked and he laughed.

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