Chapter Thirty Four: The True Heroes of the Prophecy?

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The Sun began to rise above the mountain, the Virillian ships made a frantic formation to block the sunlight over the remaining Grotesques. More ships were appearing from over the hills and Tyranna's generals warned her they did not have a defence against the airships.

TyrAnna turned toward the wall and she whispered.

"Hurry up Tafficious!"

In a tower not too far away along the wall of Catlinburg, Tafficious had asked Toido to help with something he said was necessary to save his friends from the airships. Rufus was present as well, he had been watching the Queen's carriage as it was under attack from a telescope in the tower. He watched until the White Knight arrived.

Rufus ran into a room that was filled with dust and wires to give a status update.

"The Freedom Fighters have appeared to assist them uh Mr Tafficious sir however there are a multitude of Virillian airships approaching!" Rufus was shouting at them both but they seemed to be very busy with what they were doing and only gave Rufus a slight nod.

"You've found it!" Tafficious said to Toido who had his head and torso in a very large computer digging through wires and circuit boards. When Toido stood up Rufus noticed a hint of agitation in Toido's attitude. This was when Tafficious turned to Rufus and asked for something of him that would be very difficult.

"That Energy to Matter device of yours . . . . We need its power source!"

"I beg your pardon!?" Rufus replied.

"Give me the Zeeropod! Please it is the only way! The power source here became damaged a long time ago!" Tafficious stated.

"What do you need it for? How do you even know about energy to matter devices?" Rufus said as he held his Food E tight.

"Please Rufus," Tafficious pleaded.

"It surely cannot be compatible!" Rufus stated.

Toido pointed to the logo on the missiles that were on a shelf attached to a loading rig.

"This missile defence system is Earth Technology! Why that is the logo of Stellar Overseer!" Rufus exclaimed.

"Will I get my power source back?" Rufus asked with sadness.

"I am very sorry Rufus but the installation is permanent!" Tafficious replied.

"This is the only way to shoot down those ships!" Tafficious added, Toido frowned and seemed to agree with Tafficious.

"Alright!" Rufus said with sadness as he handed the Food E to Toido who quickly dismantled it and installed the power supply into the tower missile system.

There were a few clunking sounds,the lights flickered everywhere as the room was lit up with power. A screen booted up with the words missile launchers armed. A chair elevated up out of the floor, Toido sat down. It was a seat with an aiming system display attached to the front.

"We don't want those ships to crash land near any friendlies. . . fire a few missiles just enough to give them as a warning shot!" Tafficious commanded of Toido. Toido gave a brief vocalization in acknowledgement. A salvo of missiles shot out from the towers towards the ships blocking the sunrise. More than one of them took damage and were forced to leave the area. Lurkis and White Knight were still fighting when they looked up saw this.

"Time to finish you off big guy!" Ken said and he threw a bomb at Lurkis feet which exploded and created a large cloud of smoke. Lurkis stood still for a moment as the smoke blew over him.

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