Dirty novels

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Wendy: Hey Lucy, levy, I found this pretty book on the table and thought one of you two left it there.

Levy: Oh thanks, but I would never leave behind a book.

Lucy: And I'm not reading anything at the moment.

Wendy: So who's book is this ?

Lucy: What's it called ?

Wendy: 50 tones of monochrome.

Lucy and levy: *Blushing and steaming* Uhh....

Erza: Umm, Wendy......

Wendy: Yeah ?

Erza: That just so happens to be mine.

Wendy: Oh, ok. So what's it's about ?

Erza: Uhh.... Nothing!!! *runs off*

Wendy: What the ?

Meanwhile with crime sorciere....

Racer: Hey who's book is this ?

Jellal: Don't know..... Hmm, 50 tones of monochrome ?

Angel: Good thing cobra isn't here, that right there is a very mature novel~

Jellal: Hmm, let me read it real quick.

Few minutes later.....

Jellal: *steaming* Uhh.....

Midnight: Uh, jellal ?

Jellal: Y-yes ?

Midnight: I see you found my book, can I have it back now ?

Jellal: T-this is y-yours !?!

Midnight: Uhh yeah. Why ?

Jellal: .........

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