Car crashes and moving vans.

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A/N: So the beginning might be a little confusing and you might not understand how it's a divergent fanfic, but it will get better. By the end of this chapter you will understand everything. Love ya! Enjoy!!!!!!!

I'm sorry. I have to to go."

"No please!" I yell into the phone.

"I'm sorry darling, I have to go."

"No mom! Please tell me what's wrong!"

"It's none of your concern darling. Go back to sleep" I don't know what her first sentence means, but I don't say so. " Hello? Mom?! Mommy!?!?!" I sob. I hear nothing until I hear an unfamiliar voice on the line.


"Yes. Please. Who is this? What's wrong with my mommy?"

"We don't know yet. Okay? Is anybody else with you?"

"Yes. My brother is home with me."

"Is he older than you?"

"Yes. Two years older."

"Please get him."

"Okay." I hold the phone away from my face as far as my arm can reach. "ZEKE!!!!!!!!" I yell, "SOMETHING'S WRONG!!!!! COME QUICK!!!"

He runs down the stairs and snatches the phone out of my hand and runs loudly up the stairs. About 5 minutes later, he runs down the stairs with tears streaming down his face. "We're going to the hospital." He says.

"Why? Is something wrong with mommy?"

"Yeah." He says, more tears springing to his eyes, threatening to spill over. "Very wrong." My eyes go wide and I feel tears come to my eyes as well. Unlike my brother, I let them spill over. "How are we getting there? You can't drive. Your only 9."

"The bus" he says simply.


"I'm sorry." Says a strange man who I believe is a doctor, as we run into the emergency room. "You can't be in hear." I open my mouth to say something, but my brother gets there before me.

"You don't understand sir." He says calmly, "We were called here."

"Your Zeke?" My brother nods. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you would be so young. Come with me." He turns to me "You can go sit over there. There are coloring books and picture books. This should only take a second." He says, pointing to a corner with piles of picture books before disappearing behind a door with Zeke trailing behind him.


They finally came out after what felt like hours. "Would you like a ride home, you've been through alot."

"No thank you sir. We can manage"

"Okay son. Be carefull. And take care of that brother of yours."

"Yes sir" he adds before grabbing my arm gently, and pulling my out of the door. We walk to the bus stop and sit there in awkward silence for what feels like forever. "Zeke?" I ask in a tiny little weak voice. I feel like the 7 year old that I am. Not like a brave explorer or a fearless dragon tamer. Just a little 7 year old who's scared to ask his brother a simple question. "Yeah." He relpies.

"What's wrong? When's mommy coming back?"

"She's not." I open my mouth but Zeke cuts me off, "It was too late."

I feel like I should be crying, but I'm not. Neither is my brother. We must be pretty strong. "Where are we going to stay?" He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

" You are staying and Aunt Sydney's house. While I am staying at Grandma's house up in New York. Aunt Sydney and Uncle Collin live in Chicago."

"NO!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA MOVE!!!!! I LIKE IT HERE!!! SAN FRANCISCO IS OUR HOME!" I yell, tears streaming down my face. "I don't want to be away from you." I whisper.

"I know. I don't either. But it is how it is little bro. And maybe, someday, we will see each other again. But for now, we are packing up our stuff."


It's 3:30am. I get into the car that will drive me to my Aunt's house. I'm surprisingly tired. But I get one last glimpse of my brother, standing on the sidewalk and waiting for his car to take him to grandma's house, and my old home, before I fall into a dreamless sleep.

A/N: don't worry! It's not over yet!!!! I just wanted to let you know that the part that will clear all of this up is coming like right now. Kk.

9 years later (Haha because I can.)

My name is Uriah Pedrad. My father does before I was born and my mom died in a car accident while I was talking on the phone with her. My brother as I both moved apart from each other. I've been pretending to be happy for 9 years now. But I'm done. This is the real me.

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