School Buses and Pretty Girls

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Yay!!! I finally updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment on what u think.

"Bye darling!" My Aunt Sydney cries, "Have fun." She gets into her car and rolls down the driveway. "Hey." She says just loud enough for me to hear, "Make some friends."

"Fine. Bye" I mutter. "I'm gonna be late."

I climb the mountain shortcut to get to the bus stop. When I get there I notice that the bus has already left.

"Great" I mutter under my breath. What a way to start my first day of high school. I gaze down the street and see the bus turning the corner. I grab my backpack straps and sprint down the street. In not to long, I catch up to the bus. I bang on the window and yell at the bus driver to stop the bus. Loud laughter follows. I bite my lip and slow down slightly. I hear a girl get up and yell at the bus driver to stop the bus. The bus stops and the door opens. I sigh and smile slightly. When I get on, I see the girl who stopped the bus for me. She's standing up but is about to sit down next to another girl. She's pretty. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes that sparkle when she smiles.

"Thanks." I mutter.

"Any time" She responds. Her voice glitters and shimmers across She smiles, and sits down next to her friend. I continue towards the back and sit down next to a boy dressed in all black. He looks at me with a strange expression, as if he couldn't figure me out. We stop again as the bus driver yells back to us, "Last Stop!" I look out of the window and see that the big Victorian house seems to be empty. A girl rushes out with her backpack falling off of her shoulders and her hair a mess.

In the middle of her walkway, she drops her backpack, not realizing it was open, and all of her books fall out, tumbling to the ground and sprawling across the lawn. To my surprise, nobody goes to help her. They all just laugh, like when I was trying to get on the bus. I jump up and run off of the bus. She looks up and wipes her eyes.

"No. Go. I don't want to make you late."

"It's fine." I say and pick up her books. I look up again to see that she's staring at me. I smile. "You gonna help me. Or are you just gonna sit there and enjoy the view." I say jokingly. She looks down and blushes as she starts to pick up her books. I look back and see that the bus has driven away.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"It's fine." I help her up and we start to walk towards the school. She's pretty as well. What is with this high school and pretty girls? She had light brown hair and glittery eyes that seemed to change color with the sun. She seems like the kind if girl who likes to run wild. Marches to her own drum.

"Are you gonna walk or are you gonna stand there and enjoy the view."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. " I say mockingly. I roll my eyes and continue walking.

Sooner than we know it, we are at school.

"What grade are you in?" She asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"Freshman." Her face falls.

"Oh. I'm a junior. But we have the same free period. See you then."

"Kay. See you then." I reply, and walk towards my home room.

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