Learning To Love Him 14

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"Who was that?" I repeated when Jayden just stared at me startled. He shook his head slowly as if trying to clear it before he began walking towards me casually.

"A friend." He answered shrugging slightly.

"His name?" I asked getting more annoyed, yet not knowing why I was even slightly annoyed.

"It doesn't matter." He said.

"Very strange name," I mumbled. He gave me a weird glance but then realised I wasn't joking.

"No one." He said as he said walked by me.

"That's not an answer to my question," I said turning to keep at his side.

"What does it matter to you?" He muttered.

At that I grabbed his arm and slammed him against the wall roughly making him cry out, surprised and afraid. I wasn't very patient, especially when it came to someone being smug towards me.

"I'm not asking again, Jayden. I'm warning you, you do not want to make me angry." I warned in a low voice, I could feel him practically shaking beneath my hands which were gripping his shoulders tightly as he stared up at me.

"F-Finn." He stuttered, "H-He's human, I swear. I-I didn't feel a wolf." He added.

I frowned down at him, my heart was racing at how close we were, and I felt so bad for scaring him I just wanted to hug him. Fuck this bond! I watched as he shook less and relaxed as he seemed to begin to study me. His tense shoulders lowering under my hands while his wide brown eyes ran down my body, from the black shirt I wore to my jeans, my sneakers before they traced back up. I hated how his gazing was making my blood rush, my heart pump so hard it nearly hurt. It was just him looking at me. What was going on?

I was trying so hard to ignore it, to control it, but as I stared down at his smaller shape that I was currently pinning to the wall, as he stared at me slightly afraid, his body shaking now just so slightly that I could barely just feel it, his chocolate brown eyes clearly fixed on my lips I couldn't help but let mine fall to his.

His perfect... Full... Lips.

Fuck! No, no! Fuck no! I did not want to do it! I could not do it! His lips were disgusting, he was fucking disgusting!

I tried to convince myself, but could not. All I wanted to do, every single cell in my body urged me to, all I could think about was how much I wanted him. One kiss... One... Just one to know what it felt like with my mate... His lips looked so soft in that picture and right now in the moment... I just wanted to know what they felt like... No! No! I didn't. The sane part of me was trying to get me to just leave but the mate part, which was a lot stronger at that moment, kept my feet firmly planted where they were. Just once... No one ever has to know... No... I couldn't –

Before I could stop myself I moved forward quickly pushing my lips to his, in turn shoving him against the wall more. I heard him gasp in surprise but then go noticeably weak under my grip as I still held him pinned to the wall while I kissed him urgently. I almost smirked knowing that just this kiss was enough to make him go weak. I bet Finn couldn't do that! Every rational thought in my mind had just been shut out. I pushed up against him and he seemed to groan softly as his hands gripped my shirt above my waist, it only made me want him more. I wanted to hear more of him, see what else my being near him did to him.

I ran my tongue over his soft lips and bit down on his lower lip hungrily when he didn't let me in. He let out a whimper as his lips parted slightly and I completely ignored the part of my brain screaming 'STOP! You're not fucking gay!' In that moment all I wanted was him. Nothing else mattered. It felt so perfect. So right. The electricity and adrenaline that ran through my body felt amazing, I wanted him so badly. I wanted him to keep holding onto me, to keep kissing me back. I wanted to hold him close, I never wanted to move away from him.

Fuck! What the hell was wrong with me?! What the fuck was I doing?! As I finally snapped back to my senses forcefully I shoved myself off him.

His eyes shot open, they looked as shocked as I felt as we both tried to catch our breaths, his arms dropping back to his sides. Oh my God...

"Sa-say a word about this to-to anyone and I will fucking hurt you. I swear to God, I will kill you." I hissed, I didn't wait for him to reply before I stormed straight out of the house.



I stood frozen, my heart still going crazy in my chest. I could still feel his lips against mine, his body pressed against mine. What was that? Had I imagined it?

I let my eyes move to the door he had just slammed behind him when he left.

What the hell just happened?


I sat on my bed chewing my lip. I was still alone. I tried to pretend it never happened because I knew he was going to do just that but I couldn't. The less I tried to think about it, the more I thought about it and the more my heart picked up and my stomach filled with butterflies. Did he like it? No, he probably went to a club in hopes of getting so drunk he would forget it ever happened.

I sighed shoving my face into my hands. I should have stopped him, he's only going to hate me more now if that's even possible! But... just the thought of how perfect it felt – Enough! It's never going to happen again, Jayden. He just had a moment of pure insanity and I had a moment of pure... Bliss.

Right. Enough thinking. I'm only going to end up thinking myself into either depression or a really bad mood. Time to clear my head.

I grabbed my guitar.


Learning To Love Him (boyxboy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now