Learning To Love Him 30

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Was that coming from my head? The noise hurt. Oh God no. Another hangover? I could not even remember drinking and I remembered everything!


Why was my head making that sound?! How could I make it stop?

"Are you two doing some shit that we can't know about in there?! Because the rest of us still have to use those beds and Jay's underage!" My eyes shot open hearing Sean's shout. It was followed by laughter. What the hell?

I tried to get up to see what he was yelling about but stopped as I felt a light weight on my chest. I looked down and smiled at Jayden's leg on top of me before laughing because his head was at my feet. How had that even happened? Wait. Oh. I didn't have a hangover, we just fell asleep in the cabin. But then... how did he end up all the way down there? I decided I wouldn't be able to figure it out and pushed his leg to the side gently before getting off the bed. I then stumbled over to the door while ruffling my hair to fix it before unlocking the door, it was pulled open before I could reach for the handle.

"What the hell took you so long?" Zeke glared up at me.

"Yeah, and where the hell is Jayden?" Kaden said.

"Sleeping, so you all should shut the hell up," I replied hopping out of the trailer into the sunlight. It made my eyes burn for a second before they adjusted to the change.

"'Sleeping' huh?" Trent smirked. I stared at him confused.

"What?" I asked acting like I didn't know what he was hinting towards. He rolled his eyes.

"Forget it." I grinned at the fact that he thought it would be too much work to explain, "We're at a gas station. We were wondering if you guys wanted any food or anything. Do you?"

"Yeah, I want some stuff but I can't just leave him here," I said.

"We'll lock the door, he'll be fine." I opened my mouth to disagree with Kaden because being locked inside would freak anyone out, especially someone like Jayden that seemed to wake up disoriented but I paused staring at him.

"I need to talk to you. We'll catch up, someone stay with Jay." I grabbed Kaden's arm and dragged him off before anyone could add anything. He stumbled along confused while glancing back at the others.

The gas station was huge. There were a few restaurants and a lot of travelling people and families around us so I figured our voices would get lost in the many sounds surrounding us and prevent our friends from questioning what I was about to ask Kaden about.

"Talk to me?" He furrowed his brows as we stopped walking, "About what?"

"Has Jayden ever acted freaky in his sleep?" I asked glancing towards where the car was.

"That's why you dragged..." I gave Kaden a flat look and he shook his head, "You mean sleepwalking? No. He doesn't. I mean, he mumbled in his sleep when we were in first grade, but his mom said that was because of the 'trauma' of starting school." Kaden chuckled, "Jayden was a wimp back then and –" he continued babbling.

"No, Kaden. Focus." I shook him slightly and he immediately swatted my hands from his arms, "I mean, when we were in the trailer, he fell asleep and then he began... fighting... in his sleep." I swallowed remembering the moment, "He looked terrified, but he was still sleeping and just-just completely freaking out." Kaden's face morphing into concern caused my brows to raise. It had happened before.

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