Learning To Love Him 45

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I gripped the guitar under my arm as I ran my fingers along the strings tapping my foot impatiently. What could possibly be the reason they were taking so long? I had been in the hallway for a solid twenty minutes already.

"About fucking time," I muttered as the door opened.

"Don't be rude!" Izabella punched my arm, I said nothing and instead just grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the doorway before I did the same to Rita, Hayley and Alexis even though they were following her out. It pissed all of them off, maybe that had been my intention because I was already annoyed and wanted them to be too because my annoyance was their fault.

"Took you girls long enough. Were you giving Jay a makeover or something?" Before they could answer I shut the door in their faces earning shouts from all four of them.

"You really shouldn't do that." Jayden chuckled. He was probably right. I was digging quite a deep grave for myself and those four were going to kill me and bury me in it sooner or later.

"I brought your guitar!" I lifted it in the air as if to showcase it.

"Don't do that! You'll drop it." He attempted to get up to grab his guitar from me but I pushed him back against the pillow gently and put the guitar on the bed beside him.

"In the state you're in, there's a much bigger chance you'll drop it," I said. He was still quite bruised, had to have a few stitches so he was bandaged up as well. Marcus and the doctor both said he wasn't healing because of the trauma, luckily the only major wound was a deep rip into his chest and that seemed to be doing fine. Once his healing was back to normal, it would disappear fairly quickly. Right now Jayden was too pumped with drugs to even care about what happened. Surprisingly, he didn't take pain very well at all.

"I'm fine." He told me as he reached for the box beside him.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"What? This? The others brought me a Happy –" I snatched the box from him.

"Dr Michelson said you're not allowed to eat this junk, it doesn't help with your recovery," I said.

"Neither do you." He muttered. "Give my Happy Meal back!" He yelled.

I laughed as I opened the box and pulled out the toy. "Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I didn't order it, they just brought it." He mumbled before he snatched everything from my hands, "Haha!" He yelled out before attempting to get up but I placed my hands on his shoulders to keep him in bed.

"Fine. Keep it, just stay in bed." I said. He was like a child.

He smiled and I frowned realising that was what he wanted me to say.

I sat down beside his legs on the bed instead of using the seat and watched him take a bite of cholesterol. He really needed to eat healthier... Did he? No, not really. Werewolves' bodies mended themselves very quickly, but then again, this was Jayden.

"So... Are you alright?" I wanted to ask more but I didn't want to say anything that would freak him out, which was why I was surprised at his answer.

"Of course I'm alright, Corey. Mike's dead. I'm more alright than I've been in years, still messed up but alright... I'll be fine. Are you alright, though?" He asked looking concerned.

"Why... would you ask? Why would I not be alright?" I gave a weird chuckle and he shook his head.

"The others told me you lost it, and that you didn't remember who they were... Are you really okay?"

Learning To Love Him (boyxboy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now