Maggie Catherine's life was largely uninteresting. Always a rebellious girl she had grown up trying to prove the world and her parents wrong but the world was a cruel place and at eighteen she had her first baby, dropped out of high school and been through a laundry list of loser men, the last if which had just stolen her car and left her stranded at the Truckers Heaven out on rout seven.Ignoring the glares of the pretty blond behind the counter she flipped through the grimy phone book for the third time without really seeing it. She had burned so many bridges she didn't have anyone she could call to come get her at this hour. She almost called her ex best friend but Joan had made it clear they were done, besides she would rather walk out in front of a Mac truck than apologize for her own behavior.With the phone pressed to her ear she started to dial her mother. Although they had not spoken in over a year she knew how much her parents liked seeing the kids, and maybe, if she played her cards right she could spend a few nights at home. She turned with the phone pressed between shoulder and ear listening to it ring and ring. If she couldn't reach someone soon she was going to have to try and walk into town or find a trucker to spend the night with. It wasn't the best option but she had done it before and even made a few bucks.Staring out the grimy spider-web-covered window she noticed a red van barreling into the parking lot, spraying gravel and dirt as it came to a screeching halt in front of her window. To her delight three of the hottest men she had ever laid eyes on spilled out. Her breath caught as they all turned their heads to look in her direction.Quickly looking away, Maggie tried not to blush. They looked like they were wearing those contacts you could find at Hot Topic or online. The blonds looked like twins and reminded her of the Nelson brothers, and their friend could easily be on any of the teen vampire shows she loved to watch. Hungrily she watched them walk in as if they owned the place. They had to either be a band or working on some kind of movie. She had heard they were filming over at Crystal Lake. Maybe they were movie stars? She had never actually met any movie stars, perhaps this would be her lucky night.Maggie kept her head down, peering at the men from the corner of one eye. Her heart beat so fast she was positive the whole store could hear it as it thundered away inside her chest. The twins moved into the snack isle as the dark-haired one went strait to the counter and the pretty blond behind it. Hanging up the phone, she sank onto a nearby chair. She could clearly see the hard ripple of muscle under his shirt as he walked past, which made her so wet she thought she would stick to the hard plastic seat. She desperately wanted to talk to him, find out who they were and where they might be going.Unsure if she could even stand, she began to go over inside her head what she might say. The stuck up blond looked almost as flustered as she felt. She was about to walk over when the dark haired one turned around and locked eyes with her. He flashed her a heartbreaking smile. forcing her to fight the urge to look behind her to see who he was looking at and smiled back at him.~ Oh that succulent mouth and what it could do to me. ~ She thought." Maybe you can help us? ." His voice was smooth and warm as honey. " My companions and I seem to have taken a wrong turn. "" Where are you headed? " She stammered, trying like hell not to sound to eager to help." Austin. " Black plucked the name of a town from Maggie's head. He couldn't believe how easy this was. " Can you tell me how to get there from here? " His stomach turned as he continued to play her like a violin. He had promised the twins a good hunt and this over eager woman was the key.Maggie's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, as she nodded her head. " Yes, I have friends who live there. If you want to give me a lift I can take you right to it. "" Great. " Black nodded, flashing her another disarmingly fake smile. " We have been down south, road tripping. " He placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her out the door. Outside the air was chilly, the wind carried to him the harsh scent of her too sweet perfume and sweat. It was mixed with the smell of something rotten just beyond the dim lights of the parking lot.The smell killed his appetite, making him feel uneasy and reminding him of a night they had picked up a cancer-riddled street-walker in Las Vegas one New Years Eve. Shaking it off Black walked Maggie to the van. The twins appeared a moment later with blood on their hands.~ Leave it to them to snack before dinner. ~Leaning on the side of the van Maggie lit up a smoke, her eyes crawling across his muscular frame. He was a trophy fuck. Joan would shit her pants if Maggie landed a guy like him. She wondered if he had money, his cloths looked like he did but the van, a rusted dirt-covered piece of crap had seen better days. " I love your accent by the way, I bet you're from New Orleans. I have always wanted to go there, I booked a cruise once but I couldn't get enough money to actually go, next year for sure though. " She threw him a flirty smile, imagining what it was going to be like to sleep with him. Joan would throw a fit if she knew what Maggie was up to.Black slid the vans rusted door open, clearing away a pile of blood stained clothing, various wrappers, books and other junk. " Cruises are only good for so long and then you run out of things to do. " He said this with a smirk as he helped her up . Maggie nodded eagerly. " Oh I know, but the food alone is worth it. " She settled on the floor, her wide dark eyes taking it all in. It didn't smell very good and she was afraid to look down. The drive to Austin was ten minutes, tops and then they would be gone, unless she could find a way to get them to stay. " Do you want to go to a party? "From the front seat a pair of bleach blond heads appeared. Dark red sharks smiles on both their pretty faces. " A party? With lots of sweet treats and pretty meat? "Broken looked almost orgasmic and it hit her like a slap in the face. She knew them!" I know you! I know you guys. " Her huge eyes fixed on Blacks face. " You're my dad's favorite wrestlers. " She could have sworn she knew them. It had been ten years ago, back when she was still daddy's girl. They had gone to several matches together before the world of boys and makeup took over her life. She had her first wet dream that night, waking in a sweat, all tingly and confused." We get that a lot. " Black laughed, shooting Broken a warning look." Do we look like we wear tights? " Snarled Shatter." Uh OK, sorry, I just, you look so much like the Blood Brothers. " Maggie laughed uneasily, convinced she knew them. As if reading her mind, Black held up a dark colored sticky looking bottle. " Drink? " He held it out to her with a sly smile, his fine white boned hand fell on one meaty thy as he nodded at Shatter. " Let the good times roll. " He said over the roar of the engine. Giggling together, Shatter gunned it and Broken bounced up and down grabbing the dash with a howl of delight. Without warning the van screamed backwards sending poor Maggie right into Black's waiting arms.

The Midnight Within
ParanormalIn the small town of Disdain nothing can stay buried for long and three best friends are about to face a danger so great one of them wont make it out alive. Daniel Demorte thought his life couldn't get any worse. He had pissed off his ex's dad, h...