04 ✧ caregiver

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"I can never understand why the world seems so against me."

It seemed like today was not going in favor for (y/n). By that, the day started out clear until the sky turned grey and dark clouds decided it was time to pour out water. Ruining her schedule to visit the forest, in hopes of finding the boy.

Now she stood outside of her apartment complex holding her umbrella, but standing perfectly under the building so that she wouldn't be caught in the rain. Biting her bottom lip, she was heavily deciding if it was worth walking into the raging storm. Surely the boy must be at home right? (Y/n) couldn't possibly believe that the boy was out in the middle of the rain and in a forest nevertheless.

The loud booming sound was enough to make her slowly turn around. Her feet moving her back into the warm comforts of her small apartment. Before briefly pausing, (y/n) couldn't help deny the worry in her gut. Didn't they always say trust your gut? And right now all it was saying was to visit the forest. (Y/n) sighed in defeat, today was a day were she would trust her gut feeling. Even if it meant going into the rain.

"This will be worth (y/n)." She mumbled, holding firmly onto her umbrella, as she walked into the rain. Shivering immediately at the harsh cold wind that rushed past her. Her steps careful, not really wanting to slip and get herself wet. That wouldn't be fun at all. Glancing around, the sight was one to behold. All the houses and apartments lit up from the lights pouring out from the windows. Making her slightly bittersweet because that could honestly be her right now.

But she was on a mission...that better not fail her. It wasn't long enough until she reached the forest, silently thanking that it wasn't dark enough outside so that it would prevent her from seeing. Wrapping one arm tightly around her jacket, wanting to keep all her body warmth trapped in her. (Y/n) headed off into the forest, wincing and she heard all the gushing sounds made by her feet hitting the wet ground.

Her breaths coming out into fog as soon as it hit the air. (E/c) orbs scanning around the ground, in order not to trip on any roots or rocks. (Y/n) huffed out in annoyance, at the feeling of the rain intensifying and wind becoming much more harder.

Sometimes she doubted if she was really sane. Because as far as she knows no sane person would come to the middle of the forest during a storm.

Her thoughts consuming her, before realizing that she had already reached the field. Readjusting her grip on her trusty umbrella, (y/n) looked around the very empty field. Her lips curling down in disappointment. The rain hitting her umbrella insistently, was enough to push away her sudden disappointment and trudge her way out of the empty field. Before pausing once again, her ears straining to pick up the small sound.

The couple seconds of awaiting, came victoriously as she heard the small whimper echo. (Y/n) wasted no time heading towards the largest tree, where the sound was coming from. Not really knowing what she was about to encounter. Her heart stopped, a large gasp escaping her mouth, as she took in the pitiful sight of the blond boy soaked in rain and mud, huddled into a ball trying to keep himself warm. Not that it would do him anything good because his clothing was drenched.

Her caring about herself first was out of the question, (y/n) went down on her knees, moving the umbrella over the both of them. Her fingers lightly caressing his whiskered cheeks that were flushed red from the cold, grimacing at how cold they were.

Quickly placing down the umbrella for the moment, (y/n) took off her jacket not caring about herself. Picking up the boy and wrapping him up warm jacket before placing him against her chest. Feeling the boy shiver and cuddle into her warmth. (Y/n) picked up the umbrella, making sure that the boy was secure enough in her hold before carefully heading out the forest.

All she wanted to do was make sure that the boy would be safe and warm. Feeling that it was best if he was taken to her apartment where she would wash him before letting him sleep there. Then the next morning she would take him back to his family.

All this adrenaline now pumping through her body was enough for her to forget about the cold. The quiet whimpers reached her ears, making her coo as she gently rocked him as best as she could. (Y/n) might be young but for this child she would do anything to help him.

𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 ; hatake kakashi (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now