17 ✧ caregiver

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"The mornings seem to be more bearable now that you're here. That and the debates we have."

Soft whispering was the first thing that (y/n) heard. Along with a comfortable weight resting upon her lower stomach. Keeping her eyes closed, (y/n) enjoyed the peaceful moment. Knowing well that once she decided to move herself off the bed that she and the boy would have a very busy schedule ahead of them. One that neither of them wanted to do but needed to do anyway.

Sighing one more time, (y/n) groggily opened her eyes. Lifting one hand to rub the sleepiness away from her eyes. Blinking blearily as the light shone, her pupils dilating as they adjusted. Catching the small figure that was laying his head down on her stomach. His small body facing away from her; the boy's back facing her. Smiling when she saw the boy was quietly talking to himself. He was keeping himself entertained while she was asleep.

"Good morning Naruto." Her raspy voice broke the silence. Watching how the boy lifted his head up and turned his body to face her. The blond boy crawling toward her only to lay himself down on her chest.

(Y/n) instantly reached out to help the boy position himself on her. Carefully moving her knees so that they wouldn't hit her or dig into her too harshly. Wrapping her hands around the boy, who had now rested comfortably between the crook of her neck. One of his hands lightly twirling the strands of her hair and the other one curled up into his own body.

"Did you sleep well?" (Y/n) asked, her hand running up and down the boy's spine. Before reaching up to run her fingers through his blond locks.

"Yes," Naruto whispered thoughtfully. "I thought this was a dream."

(Y/n) frowned, "I can assure you that this is not a dream. I can tickle you if you want." She teased him by wiggling her fingers on the sides of his body. The small giggles erupting from the boy made her feel light and airy. His squirming body pulled away from her, the boy's face flushed red from his laughter paired with a wide grin.

"No more tickles," Naruto gasped happily, his little chest heaving up and down in sudden exhaustion. Moving his body so that he would be sitting besides the female; back once more leaning on her side almost on her stomach as he stretched his legs out.

"I'm hungry," Naruto pointed out, the sudden rumbling of his stomach made his face flush further in embarrassment. Earning a slight coo from (y/n) at how the boy tried to cover his red cheeks with the palms of his hands. 

"Yeah, we should start getting ready for the day then. First, we should go brush our teeth." (Y/n) gave the small boy a toothy grin. Sitting up quickly and reaching out to the boy, who had let out a groan of protest and was crawling away from the female. Giggling as he was quickly caught by her and lifted out of the bed. The two heading towards the bathroom.

Placing the boy down as he immediately walked over to the small stool (y/n) had put in the bathroom so that he would be able to reach the sink properly. Dragging the stool over to the sink, Naruto huffed lightly before steeping on it and reaching over to his toothbrush. Fumbling with the cap of the toothpaste before (y/n) finally helped him with a wide grin.

"Why do I have to do this?" Naruto groaned, staring down at the brush with a annoyed pout. Before finally starting the process of brushing his teeth. Meanwhile, (y/n) had exited the bathroom and grabbed the boy's clothes that had been washed immediately after they arrived home.

Noting that today they were definitely going to buy him his own wardrobe do that he wouldn't be reusing the same over and over again. Laughing lightly at the annoyed sounds Naruto was making while he brushed his teeth.

"If you don't brush your teeth then not only will you have bad breath but you'll end up losing your teeth." (Y/n) informed the small boy, who had walked into the room again apparently done with the activity.

"Do you need help getting dressed?" Naruto shook his head, already pulling over the large shirt he was wearing and starting the process of getting dressed himself. Leaving (y/n) to grab her own clothes and head towards the bathroom and get ready herself. Closing the door, only leaving the slightest inch open so that the boy wouldn't get alarmed.

"Can we have ramen for breakfast?" (Y/n) heard Naruto question through the door. The question made (y/n) shake her head with a grin.

"No. I can't keep feeding you ramen Naruto. That isn't healthy." She chimed, still smiling at the groan she got from her small ward. No doubt the boy was pouting, emphasizing his chubby whiskered cheeks.

"I don't need to be healthy. I just want to eat whatever I want." Naruto protested, climbing up the bed again and sitting down on the edge of it. Letting his feet dangle before he started to kick them back and forth. The back of his heels hitting the bed.

"How about once a week we will pick a day that we will go eat ramen. How does that sound Naruto?" (Y/n) said, opening the door to the bathroom awhile she heard the small cheer that came from the blond boy. A pleased expression on his cherubic face.

"What are we eating for breakfast then?" Naruto questioned following the older lady. The two walking into the small living room and beating the equally small kitchen. Lifting himself up onto the chair as he rested his elbows on the table. Curiously watching at how (y/n) opened the cabinets and refrigerator looking for something to eat. What seemed to be a look of contemplation on her face.

(Y/n) sighed at the nearly empty refrigerator and cabinets. She was obviously lacking behind on her groceries. Mentally adding that to the list today about what they needed to get. It looked like Naruto would be eating out again. Great.

"Naruto lets put on our shoes. We're going out to eat." (Y/n) said already heading towards the door. Shaking her head amused at the excited cheer she heard emit from the boy. How interesting her life was going to be now.


I'd like to say from here on out development with Kakashi will start to happen and the chapters will get more horrible.

Also I usually don't really ask but if you guys can go and check out my new published story it'd mean a lot to me. It's a Kuroko Tetsuya x reader. You don't have to if you don't want I can understand. Anyways enjoy.

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