Chapter 2 - Taking The Hits

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° OWEN °

I finish eating first, nothing new, Olivia was taking her time since she is feeding Logan. Something which makes me cringe. They never seem to care that other people can see them. Although to be fair other people won't be starting at them like I am. I break my eyes from the giggling couple and place them to my lap.

"You not hungry?" I bring my eyes back up to see mum smiling at me.

"Yeah." I'm completely lying, just seeing Olivia feeding Logan and giving him seductive eyes put me off.

"That's surprising." I turn to see Olivia staring at me.
"Normally you can't stop eating." I tilt my head to her words.

"Olivia." Mum attempts to scold her but nothing works with Olivia.

"Oh my God, Logan do you remember Owen in school. He was so fat." She's the only one who laughs.

"Olivia!" Mums voice goes stale and bitter.
"Enough with this nonsense." She just rolls her eyes.

Olivia wasn't wrong in secondary school I was a little overweight. I had trouble with keeping a balanced diet and trying to keep my weight the same. Everything I tried didn't work, green diet, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, and even attempted the water fast diet which ended badly.

"Olivia, please." Again she just rolls her eyes.
"Honey you can leave." I nod then rise from my chair.

"If you take a snack with you remember that there are more people in the house." Before I leave Olivia takes another dig at me.

"Olivia!" At this point, I can tell mum was displeased.

I don't wait to hear anyone's reply and leave the room. Making my way up the stairs all I can think about was the words Olivia used, words which I don't normally let get me down. Taking a deep breath I finally reach my room. Closing the door behind I flop myself down on the bed, the cover crinkling as I do.

I try hard not to let the words sink into my head, but its hard, it's hard when you have low confidence in yourself. I've never been a person who can let words go. When I hear them I try to change whatever they're complaining about, something which could make me feel worse. But it's a way my head works.

A faint knock on my door makes me arch my back up. With a small groan, I pick myself up and walk to the door. All I can think is that it's going to be Olivia ready to take a few more hits at me. I take the small rounded handle in my hand and twist. When I open the door the smell of Lynx hits my nostrils.

"Logan." I burst out as his full figure comes in view.

"Hey." His smile is shy.
"I want to apologise for what Olivia said." It's sweet that he apologises but he does it all the time and it's annoying.

"You shouldn't be apologising." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I know but you know how she gets." I purse my lips a little in annoyance.
"Just thought I should say sorry." He goes to turn to walk away but I grab his arm.

"Thanks." He nods which I then follow by letting his arm go.

As he heads down the stairs he turns his head, our eyes lock, he gives me a warm smile and a nod before the bannister railing engulfs his face. As he disappears I walk back into my room. After I close the door I slide my back against the cool wooden surface. I hide my face in my palms, palms sweaty and face warm, my face wouldn't cool itself.

"Why?" I mumble in my palms.

I try so hard to remove the feelings I have for him. As I get to a point where I'm "nearly" over him he does this. Him apologising makes my feelings stronger. I wonder if Olivia ever apologised the feelings would go. Properly not.

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