Chapter 14 Him

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° OWEN °

Going through the next week was a hard struggle. Logan had been avoiding me, well I was avoiding him, after what had happened I guessed he thought keeping away was best. It was, I felt awful afterwards, I had cried thinking about what had happened. All I could think was how could I have I done something so low.

How could have I done something which could have destroyed mine and Dylan's relationship?

Luckily for me, it was a Friday and the last lesson was just around the bend. I hadn't wanted to go. Sitting next to Dylan, Logan sitting by himself, my mind was going wild. I hated what he'd done, I wished it never happened. But I guessed everything happened for a reason right.

As I trenched down the lonely hallway a forceful smack made me leaning forward like a jockey riding their horse.
"Hey, Owen." From that fruity and cheerful voice, I knew it was Elliott.
"Owen." He placed his hand on my shoulder and had dragged me back, well more or less stopping me.
"Everything ok?" His voice went low his brows lower.

"Yeah." I lied obviously if Logan hit me for no reason, I couldn't imagine what he'd do if I told people.

"You don't sound fine." He moved in front of me.
"Don't lie to me, I'm your best friend." I knew he has but I was scared.

"I'm not lying in fine." I forced out a smile. He had smiled back but by the look on his face, I knew he didn't believe me.
"Let's go." He pursed his lips together and headed in front. With my head low and my heart falling deeply I followed after.

I hoped deep down that the rest of the day would go fast.


"Owen!" A soft yell had me turned around.
As my neck cranes, I looked back at the grey dull lifeless building. A large hustle of students made their way out and headed to the buses around the corner.
The owner of the voice had belonged to Dylan.
"Owen, wait." I stayed in my position letting him jog over to me. As he drew near I swallowed a large lump full of guilt and shame.
"Fancy hanging out? My parents aren't in."
I had two thoughts, stay with him and feel like I've had a pile of bricks crushed on me or go and try to feel better.

Feeling better sounded more appropriate, I needed something to change my thoughts.

"Sure." He pursed his lips tightly together, grabbing my hand a rush of warm entered my body.

It didn't take us long to get home, luckily the buses were empty and on time for once. The stupid bus company, never on time. Don't have times if you can't follow them.
After my little mind rant, I fixed my thoughts back to Dylan and his room. We were both sat on the floor, him with his legs out in front of him and I crossed legged.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his voice was low and his face was soft and cute. That just made the guilt I had felt worse.

"Y-yeah." I had to lie, but maybe I didn't, maybe he'd understand. But I didn't have the heart to do it. I didn't want to break him, he was amazing and everyone would love him.

"You just seemed offish this week." Damn it. I had hoped he didn't notice, well I guess anyone would, sitting next to someone who's about to cry every time he talked to me.

"Just, " My mind had gone blank.
"Just personal stuff." An uneasy nervous laugh was released.

"Anything I could help with?" I shook my head.
"O-ok." A horrible deadly silence fell between the pair of us. Something which I didn't like, something which took hold at whatever I had in my chest and crushed it like a grape.

"Owen." My name had my head snapped up instantly.
"Come here." With confused brows, I crawled my way over.
With a large amount of surprise, he lifted me onto his lap, my eyes were as wide as footballs.
"If anything is bothering you, don't hold it in, you can trust me." Those words he used made some tears build up. If only he knew the truth.

"I-I..." As I tried to speak my words were backed up from a lump and those damn tears that wanted to be released.

"Owen..." His arms wrapped around me, he pulled me into a warm and tight hug. My head rested on his shoulder, tears streaming down my face. They came down as quick as the water that leaves the taps.

I couldn't help those tears, I thought they needed to be hidden but at this time I couldn't, I couldn't fight them, I was too weak and pathetic.

"Owen..." After saying my name once again he lifted my cherry red puffed face. He leaned himself closer and connected his lips to mine. His touch was warm, warmth which my body seemed to crave.
Stupid teenage body.

He leaned himself back so he was lying on the floor, me still on top. We kept our lips connected tightly together. I knew it was wrong to do but all I could think was the time with Logan. How every second of this moment was turning one hundred per cent worse.
This wasn't helped by one of Dylan's hand which had trailed itself along my sided and to the hem of my top. As his hand entered my top I pulled back instantly, I removed myself from him and headed for the door.

"Wait." Those two strong arms found themselves around me again.
"I'm sorry." He turned me around. I didn't know if this was the right time but something in me needed to tell him.

"I can't, I'm scared."



Walking out the main doors my eyes instantly fall onto Owen. What I did that night was wrong and wasn't supposed to happen. What I meant was it was meant to happen in a different way, a way which he wouldn't have pushed me back. A way which he kept going, I needed him. As I watched him I just took him in, his small build but his cute face and slightly chubby cheeks.

"Owen!" Hearing his name being called had me looking in another direction. A direction which made me see Dylan running up to him. A felt a small stabbing sensation in my heart as Owen waited for him.

I continued to walk to the busses, I decided to take the college bus than the public ones. I thought it'll be better that way. Owen had been more upset than I was, he said Dylan was his boyfriend, something I didn't like at all. Something which had me going warm and my hands to ball themselves.

I just needed him.

I just needed his warmth.

I just needed his lips on mine.

I just needed him to be the one I woke to.

I justed needed Owen.

I justed needed Dylan.

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