Chapter 49

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Ever since Scott had told Clay about what happened with Monty, the 19-year-old couldn't help but feel like he knew one person who possibly could have come forward about what the jock had done. Eventually, Tyler, Mackenzie, and Clay had all slowly made their way back to the school for the remaining period before students were free to do whatever they pleased for the rest of the day. As soon as they entered the large white building, the Jensen teen thanked his friends once more before heading off towards the school nurse's office to get his right hand properly taken care of and bandaged up. After his hand was cleaned and bandaged up, and once the nurse sent him on his way, the boy headed off to his last class for the day.

Once school let out for the day, the 19-year-old slowly made his way through the crowded hallway as he walked towards his locker. When he approached the dark blue metal locker, the boy was glad that Justin was completelt out of sight at the time. In all honesty, the Jensen boy had no desire to see or talk to Justin right now. Once Clay had all the things he needed, the boy left Liberty High and decided to head over to the tattoo parlor he had been once before - only this time, he was going there on his own.

Once the teen arrived to the desired destination, he walked inside the building and was immediately greeted by the same tattoo artist who had done the semicolon for him the last time he was here. "What can I do for you today?" The kind worker asked as the 19-year-old walked further into the small parlor. Clay spoke to the artist for a few minutes, describing what he wanted while the slightly older man drew up a small sketch of it. Once it was complete, the man showed the Jensen boy his work. Looking down at the design, Clay smiled to himself before looking back up at the man. "That looks perfect." He said, giving his approval of the man's sketch. Walking over, the boy then took a seat in a vacant chair and told the artist where he wanted the tattoo to be. Once the placement of the design was discussed, Clay rolled up the left sleeve of his t-shirt and leaned back into the chair, patiently waiting for the tattoo artist to begin his work.

About an hour or so later, once the tattoo artist had finished his work, Clay admired the new tattoo before thanking the man and paying for the new ink design that was located on his left arm just above his elbow a little ways, so it could easily be hidden by a short sleeve shirt. After leaving the parlor, the Jensen boy headed back to where his car was parked. Soon, the boy started the vehicle and just decided to drive around town for a little bit to clear his head and prepare himself for what the next day would bring. After some time, the sun began to set and the sky began to change colors as pink, red, orange, and even yellow could be seen near the setting sun. Seeing that it was later in the evening by now, the Jensen teenager decided to make his way back home for dinner before getting started on the homework he had to complete for his classes.

Waking up the a little past 9:00am the next day, the first thing Clay took notice of was the date. It was an average Tuesday for everyone else, but for the Jensen boy, today's date meant something more than just a normal day. The date was January 15th. What significance would today have for the Jensen boy, or rather, the Jensen family? Well, exactly four years ago today was the day that the younger Jensen brother lost his battle to cancer. It had now been four years since Anthony passed away, and the 19-year-old still spends January 15th by himself as he continues to mourn his younger brother's sudden and tragic death.

After he eventually got out of bed and got dressed, Clay went over to his desk to retrieve his phone, but paused when he notice a picture frame off to the side. The boy briefly forgot about the mobike device as his outstretched hand changed direction and picked up the dark-wood-colored frame. Seeing the photo, the 19-year-old smiled sadly as he remembered what had been going on in the picture. The picture showed himself and Anthony standing side-by-side as their arms were placed around each other, and the two boys were smiling brightly. In the photograph, both Jensen boys were wearing athletic shorts, a single colored t-shirt, black and white tennis shoes, and Clay was even sporting a baseball cap as the photo had been taken during a hot Spring weekend, with a vacant baseball field visible behind the two boys. Clay smiled at how his younger brother used to always love dressing like him due to how close the two siblings were. Remembering that time, the teen realized that it was one of the days that he had helped the younger boy practice for his upcoming baseball game. In the photo, Anthony was wearing a baseball batter's helmet and holding his bat while Clay had a mit on his left hand and a baseball in his right. As Clay continued staring at the picture, memories came flooding back to the Jensen boy. All sorts of fun times he shared with his younger brother just came rushingback to his mind, and he couldn't think of anything else but those unforgettable times at the moment.

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