Chapter 101

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Clay continued kissing his girlfriend's neck as he felt one of Hannah's hands move down to his right shoulder, tightening her grip there a bit as the two eventually came together, breathing heavy and sweating a bit from their intimate moment. "That was ok, right? I didn't hurt you or anything?" The blue-eyed man asked as he stayed hovering over the young woman below him. The Baker woman smiled at her boyfriend's question. "No, you didn't hurt me, Helmet." Hannah spoke reassuringly. "In fact, I'd have to say that that was easily the best sex I've ever had." She added before her mind registered what she was alluding to.

Hearing her words, Clay wasn't too shocked at what she most likely unintentionally hinted at. Based on his own past relationship experience, the Jensen male knew that the past was the past, and it shouldn't affect the here and now. Clay wouldn't be the kind of guy to get upset or jealous about whether or not his girlfriend had intimate moments with past boyfriends, because they were in the past. Hannah Baker was with Clay Jensen in the present, and that's really all that mattered to both of them. Deciding to calm the slight nervousness his girlfriend was clearly feeling from what she had just said, the man gave his signature and contagious Clay Jensen smile. Without saying another word, he leaned back down, kissing his girlfriend once more before pulling out of her and lying down on his side next to her.

After a few seconds, Hannah turned on her side so that she could face her boyfriend while the two lied close together and remained under the covers. Words didn't need to be spoken in this relaxing moment as the two simply stared into each others eyes, smiling softly at one another as they still breathed a little heavy and were completely content. The young couple drifted off to sleep after a while with Hannah facing the other was as her bare back was now pressed against Clay's unclothed chest while he protectively held her in his arms.

Before too long, Clay was awoken by a decently loud knock coming from the door. "Dinner's ready, you two. And I don't hear a movie or any talking going on, so I'm not about to come in there in case you two are doing adult things." Justin's innocent-sounding voice could be heard from the other side of the closed door. Clay chuckled at his brother before he looked down to see his girlfriend waking up. "Alright. We'll be there in a minute!" He called out to his brother before hearing Justin's footsteps quickly fade away, indicating that he had run back to the main house. Sharing a short glance, the two couldn't help but laugh at Justin's child-like innocence that occasionally shown through. "I guess we better get dressed and head in for dinner, then." The baseball player suggested.

After getting a small nod of agreement from the girl beside him, Clay reached over the bed to retrieve his boxer briefs that had been discarded there earlier. The male then put his underwear on under the covers before getting up and out of his bed to gather the clothes he had been wearing before. Getting lost in thought, Hannah watched her boyfriend get dressed as he put his jeans back on. Feeling a set of eyes on him, the male glanced over his shoulder, smiling as he caught the young woman staring at him. The 20-year-old gave Hannah a flirtatious wink before turning his focus back to getting dressed as he quickly threw his black t-shirt on as well.

A couple of days later, Clay woke up to the sound of his phone's alarm on a Monday morning. It was yet another school day at Liberty High, so the 20-year-old slowly climbed out of bed and began getting ready for the day ahead of him. "How did you get that, Jensen?" Justin asked as he sat up in his own bed and watched his brother for a second. Hearing the question, Clay glanced over his shoulder to try to see what the football player was referring to. "From Monty. Remember?" The male half deadpanned once he saw the almost-healed stab wound on his left shoulder. "No, I mean the one on your other shoulder." Justin corrected, causing the blue-eyed man to turn his head and look at his right shoulder.

Realization quickly dawned on the baseball player once he saw the three parallel, almost vertical scratches residing on the back of his right shoulder. "Wait a second, you and Hannah finally did it, didn't you?" Justin questioned knowingly as he glanced over towards the dresser that sat between their beds. "You sly dog!" Justin said with a hint of a laugh and a smile once he came to see that the condom he had placed on the dresser was no longer there anymore. Clay blushed heavily as his brother had come to know the answer to his own question on his own.

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