Chapter 64

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Saturday rolled around pretty quickly, and two of the Jensen family members found themselves taking advantage of the nice yet cool weather as the father and son duo were busy tackling some yard work together. While Matt was busying himself with trimming some overgrown bushes, Clay was taking on the lawn tasks, starting out with mowing the slightly long and green grass. While the teenager was mowing the lawn, he was listening to some music on his phone to help make the work a little more enjoyable.

After some time, the grass had been cut, and the blue-eyed boy moved on to use the weed whacker to trim a few weeds as well. The teen was about to start his next task, but a really catchy, upbeat song began playing through his earbuds, causing the 19-year-old to smile to himself as he saw his dad was not around at the moment. Deciding to take a small break, Clay listened to the song - a remix of Redbone's Come and Get Your Love - and began dancing pretty well in place to the dancable beat of the music. After a minute or so, the teenager got a feeling like he was being watched. Turning his head to glance behind him, the Jensen boy spotted his mother standing on the porch steps as she had apparently been recording him for who knows how long. Rather than feeling completely embarrassed, Clay genuinly smiled at his mother as he blushed from being caught in the act. The young Jensen male laughed a little as he saw the older woman smiling fondly and laughing as well. After calming his laughter, the boy soon picked up the weed whacker that had been lying on the ground in front of him and started the machine up as he got back to work at his weed whacking task once more.

After completing the work in the yard, the family of five headed out together to do some shopping as Lainie had wanted to get a few new flowers to plant in the yard to give their lawn some color. So the Jensen family mainly spent their Saturday doing yard work and buying some flowers to plant in their yard to make it a bit more lively and colorful, as Lainie had worded it. As well as getting some outdoor flowers for their home, Matt and Lainie had also decided to buy a decently sized hot pink kiddie pool for their granddaughter to enjoy. Once everything was paid for at the checkout, the family of five loaded their purchased items into the car before piling in themselves and heading back home to start planting their new flowers in the front yard.

When the next day, Sunday, came around, Clay found himself hanging out with his brother again as the two boys wanted to do something other than study for once to give themselves a small break. Debating about what to do, the two siblings soon decided to have a movie marathon and watch a few movies today. The next topic of discussion was quick to turn to what films the two should watch together, up until Justin stumbled upon a movie by the name of Avengers: Civil War. This film sparked an immediate interest in the Foley boy as he had a secret obsession with the Marvel movies. "You like Marvel?" The jock questioned, gaining the 19-year-old's attention as he held up the movie for him to see. "Yeah. I love Marvel. I think it's because they always come up with these captivating storylines, and every single movie is connected in one way or another." Clay replied, giving a small smile. "Me too." Justin said simply after nodding his head in agreement. The two brothers smiled brightly at the common ground they had found between one another. "I have just about every single Marvel movie there is. The only one I don't have right now is Captain Marvel, since that one just came out in the theater not too long ago." The Jensen teen said, confessing about his Marvel movie obsession. "Yeah. I think that's what got me hooked on Marvel. Because it's so cool how they find a way to tie everything together so smoothly and effortlessly. plus, I love how they made the lead superhero role a female. That's why Captain Marvel is my favorite movie of all time, because it's executed so well. Plus, anyone who isn't a fan of Goose the cat is a monster." Justin said, causing his brother to chuckle with a small smile. "How about we make this an all-day movie marathon and watch our top favorite Marvel movies?" The blue-eyed teen suggested. Liking the idea, Justin was quick to agree. "I'm game for that. Captain Marvel would be at the top of my list to watch, if it were out yet." He said with a nod of his head and small shrug of his shoulders. Clay agreed with the Foley boy's second statement about the movie as it was one of his favorite movies of all time as well. The two brothers then moved to gather some snacks and drinks before heading to the TV room near the front door to begin their Marvel fiml marathon that would most likely last all day.

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