skincare products i love

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These are some products that I recommend you use on your skin.
I had really bad skin last year I also had eczema so it was hard Finding products that work and that I don't react to hope these will help !!❤️

🍯 facial scrubs

I saw some articles the other day saying that this not recommended but personally I find this amazing for white heads. If you use it every 3 days you should be white head free 😊

🌼tea tree
I've heard of people using this so I decided to give it a try. And the results were amazing 😉 my skin feels smooth. I use the ASDA tea tree range and it worked wonders and other tea tree products worked the same for me so far.

🛁Foaming Facial Wash

This is a must have !! For those lazy days when you don't want to use a scrub or a daily wash. I recommend using a charcoal or tea tree one.

🌑Charcoal Products
I don't use charcoal much but I mainly use it as a peel off face mask and it works but be cautious because when you use peel off face masks it leaves your pores open for a bit and so your more prone to spots.

🦜Spot gel
I've started to use these and everytime I have an unexpected visitor🙄 I use it and they disappear within 3 hours I recommend using them during night since some of them start to flake.

🌂 Creams and lotions
I use Vaseline coca radiant lotion and it's good garnier products are also recommended but you can use any lotion or cream.

Thank for reading xx🐨

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