period kit

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heyy it's been a while 🧍🏿‍♀️
so i sorta forgot my password and was gone for months😔🤚🏾 but it's all good now

sooo for this kit it's what i personally bring soo feel free to adapt it however you feel☺️

something to carry everything in
i use like a mini makeup bag but you can use anything really.if you want to keep it discreet use an old pencil case.

pads/tampons or what you normally use
i'd advise bringing multiple sizes cause you never know how heavy ur flow might be or maybe someone else may need one 😌i'm sorta the mum friend so i like to be prepared lol.

medicine of choice
only do this if you're allowed to okay, can't be having anyone getting in trouble but yhh it's good to have some on hand when the pain becomes a bit too much

wipes and/or tissues
recommend getting both as you'll never know when you'll need them

spare underwear
i used to miss this out when preparing but let me tell you now 😭 it's a great thing to have just incase you have an irregular flow.

nappy/sanitary  bags
i mentioned both as they're basically the same but sanitary bags happen to be more expensive 🙄🤚🏾 soo yh i'd say just buy nappy bags and keep like one or two in your bag just incase.

i think that's it for the basics if you have any more feel free to comment 😌✌🏾

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