what to keep in your bag

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This can be for school or just in general :

You'll never know when you'll need it and just in case someone else does🙃

🍓Hair Ties
If your hair is starting to annoy you so u can tie it back, or if you have p.e

🍓Hand sanitiser
When you go to eat you'll have clean hands

Incase your skin gets dry during the day.

So u won't be smelling bad throughout the day

🍓emergency cash
If you get hungry or need something.

When u want to listen to music or just ignore people

🍓charger and power bank
Incase ur phone dies

🍓Lip balm/gloss
You can't have dry lips during the day

You never know when it can happen and if a friend needs one.

🍓make up wipes
For when you accidentally smudge your makeup

🍓compact mirror
Just to check yourself instead of going all the way to a restroom .

If you have any suggestions comment it 😊

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