Switched - 11

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"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."

                                                                                                        --Ingrid Bergman


Chapter XI

"Drake!!" I called out, catching my breath. Why was it so hard to keep up with these guys' walking? Sheesh. Were they on a hurry or something? The twin and this guy walk too fast.

He stopped and turned on his heel. He furrowed his brows when he saw me. Hands on knees, breathing raggedly, "What's up? Were you on a marathon? Why the sweat?"

I made a couple on inhales and exhales then straightened up, "I was running. Why do you walk so fast anyway?"

He cocked his head to one side, "Why were you running? I'm running late for practice that's why."

My mouth made an "Oh" but the sound didn't actuallt come out. So Drake the great's running late. Sounds new.

"Anyway, why were you running?" He said when I wasn't saying anything.

Why was I running again? Oh yeah. To catch up to him, "I wanted to talk to you."


"To say thank you?"

"For what?"

"For the favor. I guess?"

"Ohhh. Yeah. It's cool. That's not such a big thing." he said smiling.

I smiled back. Can anyone please tell me why I dumped this guy? He's such a great catch, "Well, thanks still. And sorry it was kinda late." I said apologetically.

He tapped my arm and squeezed it lightly, "You know I can't say no to you right?" he said, and winked at me.

I was caught off guard by that wink. He never really did that to me even in the past though he was telling everybody he liked me. It was kinda weird. Or maybe he was just over it and wanted to take it cool.

"Sorry, but I don't know that." I grinned.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. But anytime you need help, just call me. I gotta run, Mighty Montes will kill me if I show up late."

I chuckled. "Yeah. Bye."

"Bye Clo."

He was running towards the door when someone grabbed my bag and made me fall flat on my back, "What the?!"

I scrambled to my feet just to see Lou smirking like crazy, "What the ef Lou? That hurt!" I said rubbing my behind.

"You were smiling... to the door."

"Am not!"

"You are"

I got hold of myself not to roll my eyes, "I said I am not. I just talked to Drake and followed him walk out there."

"So smiling 'coz of Drake it is. What about my brother?" He smirked.

My brows creased, "What's with him?"

He shrugged, "Nothing. Let's go home."

What's with the sudden Lance thing? I just ignored it 'coz I was sure he won't tell me. We were walking out the gates of our school when my phone vibrated. My hands immediately flew on my pocket, it was Van. I pressed the answer button and put the device on my ear, "Hey."

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