Switched - 03

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"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't it, change your attitude."

-- Maya Angelou

Chapter III

We were at Van's but my mind was left at home. It wasn't like I could forget everything that had happened in just a snap. It was crazy! In a matter of hours, my life had changed. I was happy with my life now despite the fact that a lot express their dislike towards me. That was beyond my control and I have already accepted the fact that there really were persons I couldn't please. And to make it accurate, most of them weren't really pleased to see me.

Now that Louis was back in my life—which I have distanced from him—I didn't know what to do anymore. It took me years to get over the things which involved him. But in a blink of an eye, he was back like he wasn't gone at all.

"Earth to Chloe. Did you hear what I've said?" Irritation clearly heard on her voice, Van started to shake her head non-stop.

"Uhm. Sorry?"

She rolled her eyes then shot me a piercing look, "In case you miss out everything, I just finished reading Harry Potter books one to seven to you young lady." she said sarcastically.

If there was one thing that Van was very good at. It was that. Sarcasm was her game.

It was my turn to roll my eyes, "And in case you forgot missy, I was thinking very very very deeply here." I said, emphasizing each and every very in that line.

I was startled when she exaggeratedly stood up and turned her back from me. After a few seconds she glanced over her shoulder and said, "And in case you didn't hear Clo, I just suggested things to help you. I hope you don't plan to deal with this by yourself"

That was the very first time I saw Van so serious, down and disappointed. She was always quirky and giddy and stuff that I didn't get to pay attention to her other sides. I jumped off my seat and followed her without thinking and hugged her from the back. "I'm sorry, Van."

She stopped but she didn't say anything. Did I really disappoint her that much? About a couple of seconds more, I felt her hand on my arm. "It's okay, Clo." She let go of my arm and turned to face me, held my shoulders and gave out a sigh, "I know I'm always thinking and doing crazy stuffs. Maybe I wasn't that much of a help to you, I may even be a burden sometimes. But Clo, I'm here. You can tell me anything. I'm your best friend remember?"

My eyes were beginning to blur with tears. I was so busy thinking of what I have to do that I forgot I have a best friend who I could turn in to. Van was never out of sight during those times when I felt I was about to break down, to give up. She was there when I was cornered at the school, she was with me when my mom got hospatalized, she was the one I was with every year to celebrate my birthday, valentine's day and even trick or treat. All these years she was the only person who never left me hanging, yet, I was so filled with everything else that I didn't acknowledge every little and big things she had done for me.

I jumped into her and hugged her as tightly as i could, "I'm sorry Van. I'm so sorry. I didn't know how stupid I was to face this alone when in fact I have you."

Her hand flew and grazed my back then burried her face on my shoulder, "You're popular but you're stupid Clo. Remember, big things come in small packages."

I didn't know what she meant by that but I didn't bother to ask. I can't remember when was the last time I hugged Van, or if I ever hugged her. To cherish the moment a little longer was what I wanted but Van raised her head and let go of me. She patted my arms and lightly squished them "So, care to tell me who that Louis guy is?"

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