Switched - 14

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Chapter XIV

Lance was aftraid of heights? I mean, he didn't look like it. Really. He was so full of himself and wanted to ride each attraction. And the moment we spent on the Ferris' wheel didn't indicate anything of him being scared at all.

"I said it. You need not think about it. But when did this happen?" Lou inquired. I bet he just wanted to know whether something was going on between me and his twin. He can be so annoyingly nosy sometimes.

When was that again? Was it a Thursday or a Friday? Clearly not remembering when exactly, I just settled for, "That last time you talked to him."

He knitted his brows, "That was like hours from now. And I think you aren't with him, since I was." he stated matter-of-factly.

Right. They were together earlier. So maybe that was the reason why he was out. But seeing his brother at such an unreasonable hour, like it was just 6am as mom remembered, was something I couldn't comprehend. Why not meet up at lunch or maybe late night or afternoon?

Rolling my eyes at him, I smacked a pillow straight on his face, "Let me rephrase old guy. It was the last time you talked to him when you saw me with him. Clear enough?"

He nodded and smacked the pillow back a couple of times at me, "Hey!" I yelped. "I only hit you once!"

He smirked then smacked the pillow on my face hard enough for me to catch my breath. When I removed the damn pillow off my face, he was hovering me. His hands planted on both my sides, his eyes gazing down at me.

My heartbeat started to pick up. What was going on? Why was Lou suddenly doing this? I wanted to say something but can't find my voice to say anything. Not even a grunt or a screech. It was frustrating to be in such a situation wherein you were taken advantage of. Not that I was helpless, but as you can see, I was pinned down by my best friend and I wasn't really sure what he's got in his mind.

Time ticks and goes but neither of us was saying anything. We were just staring at each other and nothing more. It was an awkward staring match. It was known that Louis was my best friend, but we never stared at each other this long and this intense, I may say. It's abnormal!

"L-Louis..." I finally decided to break the ice.

He didn't respond. He just kept staring. What did he want? Melt me with those green orbs of his?

As time passes by, this staring match was going nowhere and it was really getting on my nerves! He wasn't saying anything at all and I was no fortune teller or psychic to know what he was thinking! "Can you get off me? Now." I was proud of myself when I said that. I mean, my voice didn't crack!

Still. He didn't say anything. He didn't budge. No nothing. "Louis. Get off of me!" I yelled.


My heartbeat raced a couple of notches up when he said that. It was different now. It wasn't a tease, it wasn't just a nick. It was like, he was thinking of somebody else when he called me that. Somehow, I felt a pang of pain slice through me. It wasn't that hurtful, but still, it hurt.

I snapped my head to the side so that I didn't have to look at him. It was unnerving to think that he's got someone else on his mind while I was the one with him. Not that it actually mattered to me. I don't know. Somehow, it did matter. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I should be happy that Lou's finally got someone he likes. And the fact that it wasn't me should make me feel relieved that there was no way our friendship would be put on the line because of the stupid things I was thinking. But despite the truth that I want to think that, I was still thinking otherwise.

"Please... Just.. Get off me Lou." I pleaded. And thank God he did. I sat right back up and straightened my shirt and fixed my hair. When I was satisfied, I gave him a look, "What was that about?"  

Shaking his head, he fell back down on the bed at stared blankly at the ceiling, "Sorry. I was just....." he shook his head again, "Nothing. Don't mind me. And yeah, I'm really sorry."

He flinched a little when I was about to hold his hand making be draw back. There was something wrong with Louis. Really wrong, "Hey. What's wrong? You could tell me." I said soothingly.

I didn't know what was bothering him but I've decided not to pry at the moment. If he wanted to tell me, he would.

Plopping on the bed, we stayed silent for a while. No one was saying anything. We both just stared at the ceiling as if the answer to our questions and doubts would automatically be written on it if we gape at it for hours.

We were in the middle of an awkward silence when the door suddenly opened. Both Lou and I sat right up to see who was the intruder. It was dad. And mom. And.......

I was up on my feet in no time. Though I knew they were twins. It still irked me to see that they looked freakingly alike. No doubt I didn't notice that it was Lance I was with back at the park and that he was the one who bullied me. It was just impossible to distiguish who was who.

"What are you doing here?" I drilled.

He stepped out from behind my parents and trudged towards us. Looking down at Louis he said to me, "I need to talk to my brother."

His jet black hair was messy and strands fell over his face. It didn't make him look any less handsome, in fact, it did add to that fact. I shook my head. Now isn't the time to be checking him out.  

Lou stood up and stood side by side with his twin. It was really creepy to see them together--that close. I knew other twins and there were a couple of them who looked annoyingly alike like the twin standing before me. But there was something that made my insides flutter by just seeing this pair.

It didn't occur to me that I was gaping at them until someone cleared his throat. I was instantly brought back to the present and knew right then that it was dad. I guess it was thanks to him.

Realizing what I had done, I ducked my head to hide the flush of red that started to creep on my cheeks. Was there any way to control the blush? I mean, a blush control or some sort? It's cute to see it when others were on it. But seeing myself and knowing the reason behind it? It's annoying!

A hand pulled me out of my reverie. When I glanced over my shoulder, it was Lou's-- or rather, Lance's, "Can I talk to him now? Alone?" he demanded.

My eyebrow raised, I cocked my head to the side, "You can. Go to his room."

"We want to talk here."

"But it's my room!" I snapped.

How dare he make me leave my own room? And he was at our house! Ugh! Doesn't he have even a sense of politeness? Dad and mom should do something about this! But to make things worse, they were out of sight. I didn't even know they've already left. They shouldn't have allowed Lance to go in here in the first place. It's my room!

"I know. But go to my room. Now." Lance said.

He stared at me intently and I stared with equal intensity. If they wanted to talk, they should leave my room. I won't move out no matter what. It was my room and I have a right to stay whenever I please.

After a too long staring match, he finally gave in. His shoulders sagged and looked at me with those soft almond orbs of his, "Please Gel, just this once. I just need to talk to my brother." he pleaded.

Why can't I say no to him when he says please? Ugh! I half-heartedly marched out of my room without looking back at them. I didn't say a word. I just walked out. He really shouldn't use that voice on me. He was my best---

That was..... that was Lou? That was Lou! Then.... the one I was with the whole time.... It was.....

Oh my God!



Sorry this one took so long to be published. And I know it's short but yeah.. I wanted to give you guys something so I've posted this one. I'm really not feeling well ATM.. I just had to update this one.. Enjoy :)

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