A Big Surprise!

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I moved to London like three months already,nothing ever happened!What the hell?I don't know if british people love going to club and drinking, but british school is super boring!Girl must be quite,Girl must not eat too much,Girl shouldn't talk dirty,fuck those rules....

Crap,forget to buy food for today's dinner!

"Potatos,coffee,beans,black tea,apples,...Oh!Chips!Stupid me."

I literally had find around the whole store,where the heck is the damn chip?

"Thank God,there's one in the corner."

Who is that creepy guy wear a lot clothes,mark,sun grasses?I think only celebrity will do that in public.

Wait,he is getting that chips bag!

"Don't you dare!That's mine!",I yelled it and ran to the corner.

Until now,I still wondering how we grabbed it at the same time.

"Give me that!",I shouted.

"No,I take it first!",he screamed at me.

Weird,familiar voice and Irish accent,weird.

"You've got that sexy Irish accent and that familiar voice,but I still not gonna give you!"

"I think you know me then,this are mine!"

"Who are you?Give me that!Mama Rachel need it!"

"I'll tell you if you give me that!"

"Then No!"

He grabbed my hand,it feels warm.He used my hand to take his mark and grasses off.

"Oh my Gosh!Niall James Horan!",I shouted.

Just nothing, just OH MY FREAKING GOD.

Suddenly,everyone in the store started to look straight at him.

"Oh shit!Run!",Niall took my hand and ran out the store.

"Niall...Sweetie...I'm so sorry.",I said it after we ran out from store.I got asthma attack,I hate that.

"Is ok.But I want that chips bag so bad...",he said it and look at the ground.

"Look what I got?",I said to him playfully.

"Oh,the chips bag!Rachel,you such a bad girl!",he stares me,amost got a heart attack.

"Oh my God,you know my name!But how..."

"You just shouted 'Mama Rachel need it' into my face.Who won't remember after a situation like that?",he cut me off and kept stare at me.

"Oh yeah,ha....Do you want to come over to my place and have dinner together.I bought some potatos,I know you love potatos.Can sign my ablum by the way?"I asked.

"Sure,Rachel.Hey,can I call you "mama"?I think it will be cool name for you."He asked me with his biggest reason I fell in love with him,his smile.

"O-ok.",I was nervous as hell.I should calm myself down now.

"Hey,Niall,can I call you honey?I think it will be a cool name for you.",I asked him not seriously.

"No,mama.",he smiles at me and said.

"Just kidding."

"Bad girl."

I'm Hungry...[Niall Horan Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now