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Closing the laptop with a sigh, Kaoru turned to look over at Yuno who was engaged with a conversation with a few boys in their home room— the fellow first years chatting and passing on jokes.

"Kaoru," Hummed Hikaru, who sat beside his little brother, the two had been playing a game on their laptop as the teacher had yet to enter the classroom.

". . .why does she only hang out with guys?" Replied Kaoru, squeezing his brother's hands tightly, their locked hands hidden between the two.

Hikaru winced at his brother harsh clench, and only lightly squeezed back.

". . .because girls are annoying,"

"But she's annoying."

"Only slightly."

"Yeah, you're right, just a slight annoyance,"

Kaoru looked away from Yuno, while as Hikaru continued to look as the auburn haired boy beside him opened up the laptop and began playing the game once again. The same feeling of petty jealousy coming in like the harsh winds outside of winter:

Had she forgotten that special moment outside— no it wasn't special. They were just being nice keeping her hands warm, no. She was just being annoying with her chattering teeth so they wanted it to stop, Yeah that's it.

With a huff he looked back at the laptop, continuing to play the game with his brother.

   Honestly, Hikaru wanted to strangle those boys.

   While as Kaoru? He was a bit more extreme, as he kept glancing at his freshly sharpened pencil then at the group of boy's were who conversing with the jade eyed girl.

   Of course he wouldn't do anything bad after all he was the soft spoken one out of the two. . .

   Or was he?

  Once break rolled along, the two boys put on their coats and exited the classroom and back onto the court yard. This time to sit on a bench rather than beside the chilling fountain that had cold water splashing everywhere.

And as if right on cue, their jade eyed brat ,who always got fascinated by the most stupidest things—came bounding towards them. Almost giddily as she skipped forward, a blush on her face from the cold air.

   "May I hang out with you guys?"

  Yes, she still asked this question. Even after all they've been through together, and they both really did appreciate this. Since most days they weren't in the mood to hang out with her, however, this time around they've been wanting to hang out with her more.

  Hikaru Nodded, going to scoot over to the side— but Kaoru had done the same resulting to both boys splitting apart accidentally. And as Hikaru went to scoot back— Yuno perched herself between them. Quite happy as she enjoyed the warmth they let out, giggling at the surprised expression on their faces.

   Blushing Hikaru turned his head the other way,

   Damn. . .so annoying.

   Kaoru,however, didn't turn away, he just blushed lightly, finding her adorable. Making him flush red even more, shaking his head.

    And that's how their break had went, yet before it went to a close, Yuno asked:

   "Hey. . .may I hold you guys hands? Like this morning," She rubbed her hands together, "Mine our cold."

Both boys flushed in embarrassment, their denial DNA flooding through them.

"No, you cannot hold our hands."

As soon as those words left the boys mouths in sync, they felt so stupid!

Hikaru shouldn't have say that! He instantly regretted it— fuck—

—Kaoru just internally facepalmed at himself.

So stupid!

Slight Annoyance  | Hikaru& Kaoru HitachiinWhere stories live. Discover now