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Seokjin and Jungkook were childhood friends. They are both victims of their parents who refused to accept them and they rather chose to live selfishly than take home mouths to feed. Jungkook was sent to the orphanage when he was five while Seokjin was their ever since he was a month old. Seokjin believed that the reason why his parents abandoned him was because he is blind... and useless.

Unfortunately, the young latter failed to escape the looks and whispers from other kid his age. Though he can't see it. He can hear and feel the strange looks and murmurs whenever he went to a place filled with people. They say that he should go out more and be friendlier to make up with his disability. But what should he do? It would be the same anyways. He can't see and blind people are bound to see darkness.

But it all changed when he became friends with Jungkook. They promised to each other that they won't leave each other even if they become adults. Jungkook became Seokjin's light and colors. He became the barrier that separates Jin from the people he should not meet. He taught the younger the meaning of happiness. Seokjin sometimes wondered why Jungkook hang out with him but Jungkook said;

'There are no normal, blind, deaf, sick or anything like that when it comes to friendship. It's all about the trust and love that you have for each other.'

That's when the younger thought to himself. He could live without anything but Jungkook. Seokjin lives for his mellow and deep voice that soothes him to sleep. Seokjin lives for the older's rough but caring hands that became his map all his life. Jungkook was life for him until the elder changed.

It was Seokjin's 13th birthday and Jungkook did not come. Jungkook was being strange these days. He barely hangs out with Seokjin and even if they were together, Seokjin was doing all the talking. Ever since, he got a thing called cellphone he barely speak nor talk about interesting things such as school. He could only hear English songs from that thing that he could not even understand since he can't attend school.

One day when they were taking a walk on the park, when Jungkook left Seokjin with his phone and he lost it, he yelled at the younger making his eyes tear up. Jungkook didn't even say sorry. It's the first time he got angry at him like that.

Jungkook changed.

And now, he's spending the last minute of his birthday with the cold breeze of air. No Jungkook, and no sweet cupcakes. Those were his favourite part of his birthday. Seokjin sighed.

Jungkook admitted to himself that hanging out with Seokjin became a little bit burdensome. It's not that he doesn't want to be friends with Seokjin anymore but considering that he's seventeen, he thought that he should hang out with people his age since the understand each other more deeply than he does with Seokjin. Seokjin is cute, funny, and all but... he's doubting himself that maybe the reason why he's hanging out with the younger was because he pitied him.

But he denied those thoughts. No, he loves Jin as a friend and even if he made groups of friends, he will not exchange his Jin for them.

Jungkook knew that today is Seokjin's 13th birthday and after his dance practice for their school festival he bought something more than a cupcake. He bought a real strawberry cake and he spent all his allowance from the orphanage buying half marinated and half fried chicken. He knew that Jin loves those more than anything. He should make up for his actions since he knew himself that he's been neglecting Seokjin these days. He even got angry to the younger just because of his mere cellphone.

Well, that's where he watches dance practices but still...

Jungkook arrived at the orphanage with a wide grin on his face. He was about to go to Seokjin's room when he noticed the younger sitting on a bench with an unfamiliar guy that looked the same age as Jungkook. Seokjin is laughing loudly as the man seems to tell him some silly jokes. He never laughed like that when he's with him. Jungkook thought and he could feel a heavy feeling sprouting from his stomach to his chest.

Yeah, Seokjin was not a person to be pitied, Jungkook thought. Seokjin could live without him and so was he. He thought that should stop being friends with the younger anymore since he seems to be getting along just well with other people. He has many friends! He doesn't need to be caught up in a friendship that would never work, he thought.

But never did he discover that what's he's feeling was mere jealousy. He refused to accept that feeling. And so, Jungkook gave all the foods he bought to his other friends, the people he thought that will make him happy forever.

-To Be Continued-

Guys!!! YOohoo I updated! I just want to say sorry for the short chapter and happy new year to you all and this story is not platonic don't worry XD The real thrill and smut is on the next chapter so stay tuned until then. Bye bye my babies.

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