Trainee pt.1

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A/N: It's also published on my other book

It was rumoured around the Big Hit trainees that there was once a beautiful, talented, and flawless trainee who commited suicide because he didn't make it at the debut team. They also said that once you see it crying blood, alone in the middle of practice room you need to ignore it or else you will suffer what he went through.

Many claimed that they saw it. They said that it looks so lonely with it's back facing them and its front facing the mirror; the skin so pale that it shone through the whole room, legs both pressed together and arms both limped side by side.

The sound of its little sobs are music itself and the face; masking the sadness it feels is the face of a fully bloomed white rose with pinkish cheeks that are unusual traits of a ghost. Its lips, crimson red, and eyes resembled a doe caught in headlights with his iris inky black that you would drown through them... Yeah, absolutely something that came from a fairy tale, Taehyung thought.

It's been bothering Taehyung for a while that trainees actually believed those kinds of superstitions or whatnots. They're actually mesmerised by that fiction to the point that many of them were kicked out because they only talk about that legendary trainee. Of course, there's nothing wrong about talking about them but actually believing those? It's obviously exaggerated but everyone said that they saw him or saw a glimpse of him once.

Are they crazy?

No, Taehyung thought. They're just pitiful. So pitiful that Taehyung sometimes think that the intensity of the vocal, dance, rap, and language training finally drove them towards the stairway to insanity. Well, if it wasn't for his strong mentality and positivity he won't sign another two years contract for being a trainee with hopes that he will make it. He too, wants to have the time of leisure or what he calls the comfort of chit-chatting away his sorrows but the strict practice hours, diet, and the desire to debut took it all away.

He'll make it this year. He heard that there will be a new boy group scheduled to debut by the end of this this year and he will be part of it. No matter what happen he'll make it to the debut team and that's more of a reason why he doesn't have any time to sit around and be scared to some of those horny boys' half sensual half fantasy tales.

"Hey, guys!" A frantic Namjoon entered the practice room with expression you will want to save as a meme pic. Namjoon looked excited at the same time shocked as he approached the other trainees except Taehyung who's practicing a move without music in front of the mirror.

They sat around as soon as Namjoon mentioned that ghost again. Taehyung shook his head internally, "Again with that madness," It's not that Taehyung cares. He'd like to start the day with a smile not with a frown.

"Kook, you know that spirit you said you saw. You know, the gorgeous and beautiful one? The boy who cries with blood and sometimes not. So pretty that it's almost mistaken as a girl..." Namjoon started in a fast pace as if he was about to rap the whole story when Jungkook interrupted him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Just tell us what happened." The raven haired male looked at Namjoon with attentive gaze, the same as the other three.

"You know... I think..." Namjoon started off and the whole group concentrated at the following words. "I think I'm in love."

The room was filled with 'boos' and everyone can't help but show their disgust and contempt for Namjoon by hitting him, insulting him or pretending to vomit. Taehyung sighed. No wonder they're the Class D, they're always horrible in everything except story telling. They don't take practicing seriously at all! Sometimes he wonders why did he have to be put in this team when you can guess that Taehyung deserves to be in Class A in just one glance.

"No... Wait, guys!" Namjoon raised his hands up while giggling in the air as if surrendering but the others didn't stop. However, when he said the real reason why he said that everyone was shocked that their hands automatically dropped.

"S-So, you're saying that you saw him in this practice room, right?" Jimin asked and Namjoon just nodded in response.

"Really? If you really saw him tell me what he looks like. Everything except the one I already told you guys." Jungkook ordered him in a challenging tone and Namjoon started to state everything he saw.

It's not really that Taehyung is listening but it's impossible not to hear him judging from the size of the practice room and his loud voice. Some statements caught Taehyung's ears like,

"He doesn't look that scary at all. He's nothing but gorgeous."

"I only saw for a moment because I'm afraid it will try to strangle me or something but he doesn't lean his hands to the floor."

"His eyes looked so lonely and stiff. He only keeps looking at the corner of the practice room."

And that's all Taehyung needs to hear before exploding. He ordered them all to practice the dance they did yesterday and dance until the instructor comes in.

The male sometimes wonder. Is it because he wants to debut already that he gets cranky whenever he hears about that story or is it because he felt outcasted and lonely that he wants to take it all out on them. Maybe it's the first one since ever since he was first accepted as a trainee all he hears was the same story. The number two just don't fit his character at all.

He have tons of friends outside anyways.

But maybe... It's also because he felt sorry for the ghost. He can't exactly pin point why but he just felt a twinge of pain caused by empathy whenever they say that it looks so lonely and it died because he was destined to never debut.

Then why did he want to be an idol in the first place?

He should've just gave up if it was that hard. He should've just quit and be with his family. He should've just find a stable job and live like normal people do.

But Taehyung knows. If he was that ghost he also could not easily give up. He hates the fact that he's sorry for the imaginary thing that keeps bothering him when it's not even real. He also hates that the main character is so weak... he should've at least served as a good example to other trainees. He should've died after debut, win awards, perform around the world but why?

Why does that fake thing make Taehyung so sad and helpless. Why does that fake thing tells Taehyung to just give up?

But rumours are rumours and no one knows the truth behind that face of melancholy.

-To Be Continued-

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