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"Hey, Jungkook. I heard you had a pretty friend in your orphanage. Let us meet her!" Namjoon, Jungkook's 'friend' who always borrow or more like steal money for him said excitedly. Namjoon put his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, something he always do whenever he's asking for a favor. Jungkook sighed. He knew that Namjoon was talking about Seokjin because he was never close to anyone in the orphanage besides Seokjin.

"No, I can't. Seokjin is a boy and he's only thirteen. I can't let you meet him." Jungkook tensed as he felt the Namjoon's arms on his shoulders starting to tighten into a headlock.

"Why? It's not like we're gonna do something bad to him. We just wanna be close with everyone you're close to." Namjoon whispered closely into Jungkook's ears. "...Right Taehyung?" Taehyung who was making tricks with cigarette smoke just laughed and nodded at Namjoon's words.

Jungkook's heartbeat fasten as he cannot talk back anymore. Whenever he says something that his friends don't like they either 'jokingly' pinch his sides, hit the back of his head, or kick the back of his knees. They said it was just a joke between friends and he shouldn't take their actions into heart but Jungkook knew inside him that they're purposely doing it. But what could he do? They were Jungkook's backbone. Jungkook would be a total outcast without them and he thinks that being an outcast for his past seventeen years was enough.

Namjoon's arms started to choke Jungkook. "You're going to let us meet her, no I mean him right? Don't worry, we won't do anything like we did to Yoojin."

Park Yoojin, the girl they raped and later comitted suicide after a month. Jungkook closed his eyes as he tried to erase the girl's memories from his mind. He was already feeling guilty as fuck and he won't let his friends do the same thing to his Jin. Seokjin was his only little light and hope. He was almost the same as a little brother for Jungkook. Yeah, just little brother.

Jungkook was about to remove Namjoon's arms on his neck and tell him that he won't let them meet Seokjin when he heard Yoongi's voice from afar. "Hey, stop bullying Jungkook. Look at his face. It's now all red because he can't breathe." Yoongi laughed out loud from afar and Namjoon immediately removed his arms on Jungkook to greet Yoongi.

"Yo, Yoongi. What's up. It's been a while." Namjoon spoke.

"Yeah!!! You've been missing a lot of parties these days. What's wrong with you?" Jimin who was smoking on the side with Taehyung frowned as he stepped on the cigarette butts and took out another stick of cigarette.

Without answering, Yoongi looked at Jungkook who was holding his neck in pain and ordered him to buy some cigarette. Jungkook who never ever said no even once to his friends just passed Yoongi with a sour facr to buy his cigarette.

"As always, just put it it in my list of borrowed money. I'll pay you later when I get a part time job."

'Part time job, my ass.' Jungkook thought. Yoongi was saying that ever since he first borrowed money and never once did Yoongi pay him money. Now, he just learned to accept the fact that Yoongi would never pay him back. If only he could abandon his friends. But unfortunately, he was already dependent on them.

When Jungkook was out of their sight, Yoongi sat beside Taehyung and stole the cigarette that was on Taehyung's mouth only to put it on his own.

"You're disgusting." Taehyung scrunched his face but Yoongi didn't care a bit.

"You know guys why I was out of reach these days?" Yoongi asked as he exhaled the smoke from his lungs.

"Probably because you're too busy fucking around with Juri. I mean you're already fucking her friend so I don't understand why are you fucking her. She's not even pretty." Namjoon snorted.

"Wrong. Yes, I was fucking Juri but that was not the reason." Yoongi smirked.

"You know Jungkook's friend, right? The pretty one?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, we were just talking about him right before you arrived. But Jungkook, thatý retarded punk won't let us meet him. If believe that he was starting to rebel against us now." Namjoon laughed in disbelief.

"Jungkook? We don't need him anymore." Yoongi exhaled the smoke once again. "I already met his younger friend you know. He was cute."

Three heads turned towards Yoongi at once. What the fuck did just Yoongi said? They doubted their ears.

"His name was Kim Seokjin. He turned thirteen yesterday. Exciting isn't it? So fresh and young." Everyone thought that Yoongi looked like a creepy madman but when they saw Seokjin for the first time, they can't help but to admit that they're all thinking the same. "The reason why I don't attend our parties anymore is because I was busy befriending him. You know what? It's cute that we don't even know each other for so long but he trusted me so much that he told me the story of his life within one hour after we met. And you know what? Ninety nine percent of them are about that retarded freak."

Everyone woah-ed at Yoongi. They can't believe that Yoongi already found out everything about Seokjin kid without them knowing. Veterans are sure different.

"So what are we gonna do? Should we do it as always?" Jimin asked.

"Of course, we should do it as always. And yeah, I forgot to tell you guys something...

...He's blind."

Everyone was feeling the excitement all over their bodies. They can't help but to dance in their own distorted imaginations.


"Hey, kid. Why are you so sad." Seokjin heard the familiar raspy voice that made him smile again for once. It was Yoongi. He could feel the presence of the older sitting beside him in the bench as he waited for Jungkook. If only Jungkook knew.

I hate you, Kook. I fucking hate you. Just die you coward ambitious shit.

I'm sorry. I'm too emotional for a narrator.

"Nothing... It's just... It's just Jungkook hyung was not speaking to me these days and he didn't even greet me this morning." Seokjin smiled sadly, looking like he was staring at the distance though he only see nothing but darkness. "To be honest, it is my birthday today, Yoongi hyung."

"What? It's your birthday?! You should've said it to me yesterday when we met then I should've reserved a restaurant for us." Or motel, yoongi grinned wickedly.

Seokjin let out a loud and clear laugh. "It's not even a week since we met each other. I can't let you spend money on me, hyung. I don't even worth that much."

Seokjin sighed and he didn't even notice Yoongi's hand creeping on his thigh.

"Don't worry, my Jin. I'll make your worth climb up to ceiling price."

Seokjin shouldn't have met Yoongi in the first place.


BOOK OF SINS(ERITY) (BOTTOM MAKNAE JIN ONE SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now