Chapter 20

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When Bambam was mad at me and before he will put a hand on me or slap me someone appeared and hold his hand and is was jungkook. I hugged jungkook, he said to Bambam " Don't touch her". And jungkook said to me " Are you ok BABE? ". I said " Not much". He drop Bambam hand and said to me " What did he said to you? ". BamBam  said " Y/N don't say anything ". Jungkook said " Don't be afraid, just tell me ". So I don't know who I will listen and look and Bambam and jungkook, do pick jungkook because jungkook can protect me. So I said " BamBam took my hand and he ask me why I'm here and I ask him the same question and he was stalking me and I slapped him because he stalk me and he was going to slap me and you appeared ". Jungkook was mad and he was in fire and I can feel his boiling blood and I said to jungkook " Calm down, babe, calm down". I hugged him. He called Taehyung and some of the members to come. They came and Taehyung said " Jungkook what happened ". Jungkook explain everything and Taehyung was mad and angry as well. And jungkook said to Bambam " You don't touch my girl again, don't touch what's belong to me ". And he said " Taehyung take him to the second room of the basement and lock him and don't leave any thing ". They took him and went. And then jungkook said " Did he hurt you? ". I said " No". I started crying. Then he said " Why are you crying babe? ". I said " Because I was scared and if you didn't appeared I was died and hurt by his hand". He told me " Can I know the story? ". I notted my head. I said " We met in middle school, I was the beautiful girl in middle school and until now still, I was focusing on my studying not love and relationships, and BamBam was from the most popular boy in school his amazing and football, he can't stop flirting with me, I was happy and I have a tiny crush on him, we became friends and best friends and we hang out with my friends and his friends, but one day he asked me to be his girlfriend I was excited and happy, so I accept it and days years past and we were happy, but one day  he changed so bad, he was drunk that day and he closed the door and he started making me uncomfortable and he slapped me and he hurt me but lucky me I put him away from me, and the he started saying me names and say I'm ugly and he always hurt me and make me cry, I can't break up with him, I was scared that days past and then I finally I get the courage to break up with him, and he started following me every where but until one day you appeared and you changes my life and you made him not come and follow me. That's it".

Unedited ♡
Hey angels,
How are you all?? I hope your doing well, Thanx for reading my story, I really appreciate that .

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