Chapter 28

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There was four days left and I still had barely begun packing. My room was filled with boxes in which I sorted my stuff into.

"Four days," My dad came into my room. "Four days, this is not real," He shook his head then went out again. I laughed to myself, my parents still found it hard to believe that I graduated let alone am going to university.

My dad had bought me an apartment downtown but it was too expensive for him to pay it himself and too big for me to live in it by myself so Megan was going to stay with me as well and her parents were going to pay the other half of the rent.

I flipped through the photo album of my graduation before putting it in the box labelled memories.

"Need help?" My mom popped her head into the room.

"No, I'm good," I said.

"Ok then,"

The last four days of summer flew by faster than any four days of my life! Megan and I were in our newly furnished apartment and had just said our last good byes to our parents.

"Wow, first day of uni tomorrow!" Megan said sitting on the couch.

"I know, you excited?"

"Kind of," She said, "Kind of nervous,"


"So did Rob agree to bunk with Jedayel and Waleed?" Megan asked.

"Yeah, finally," I said. Jedayel and Waleed also rented an apartment, both their parents were helping pay for it but Rob's mom could barely afford the university itself let alone an accommodation, so Waleed and Jedayel insisted he bunk in with them.

Our first day at University! It was so big! There were elevators and escalators and it looked more like a mall than a school, and there were so many kids!!

"Wow!" Jedayel said looking up at how many floors there were.

"We have to get our schedules first," Megan said opening up the campus map. 

"Were to captain?" Waleed goofed.

"That way,"  Megan pointed looking at her map. We all followed her to a lady sitting at a desk with short mousy brown hair and reading glasses.

"Hi," Jedayel smiled at her, "Do we get our schedules from here?"

"Of course sweety," She smiled taken away by his charm. "Names?"

We all said our names and she handed us each a different schedule.

"Who has the same classes as me?" Waleed asked, 

We all examined each other's schedules.

"We have most of our classes together," Jedayel told me handing back my schedule.

"You're on your own Waleed," Megan told Waleed.

"No!" He fake wailed, "I feel so alone!"

"Stop, you'll make us get a bad reputation on our first day!" Megan scolded.

"Ok then," Rob said, "I'm headed that way,"

The five of us split up into different directions excited about what our first class was going to be like...

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