Chapter 30

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It was ten o' clock at night and Megan and I were staying up late studying for our mid terms, usually when it came to memorising I was terrible but today I was worse than terrible!

"Meg I'm going crazy!" I exclaimed.

"I know," She agreed.


"Well you have to be crazy if you're faling for Jedayel," She told me.

"What? I am not falling for him ok." I said firmly, Megan raised her eyebrow at me.

"Maybe a bit - but how'd you know?"

"I know everything," She winked.


"Well, the dazzling smiles, the stealing secret glances at him every two minutes in the lecture hall, actually caring about what you wear with him, staying up till 2 am chatting online with him.. Not to hard to connect the dots," She said.

"Ok so you do know everything." I conceded.

"Ameerah!" Megan said, "This is serious! You have to tell him how you feel!"

"No I don't, he sees me like a sister any ways." 

"He already has a four month old sister so he won't be seeing you as a sister," She stated

"Well he sees me like a friend, nothing more nothing less,"

"Puh-lease!" She rolled her eyes, "When I say I know everything it means I know everything, I've seen him staring at you in the lunch lines and the way he looks at you, he never looks at any one like that, he doesn't talk with such softness to any one apart from you ok? As annoying and stupid as he may be, he is smart enough to show some one he loves them,"

"You think so?"

"I know so!"

"Well I have to be serious about it, it's not like I can just go out with him, in Islam  the girl brings the guy to the parents and if the parents and the child agrees he is good then they are allowed to get to know each other and then they can get married."

"And you're not ready for all that," Megan said softly picking up the missing bits.

"I want to live first Meg! I need to see the world, I don't just want to settle and have a happily ever after there's no fun in that!"

"I know what you mean," She laughed. 

After a while of complete silence she spoke, "But then you're going to have to find a nice way to put that, you dont want to break his heart,"

"I know," I sighed.. 

Why can't life be as simple as it was in high school? 

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