Chapter 39

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*Deep breath* Today is that big day!!

"Your henna is lovely!" My grandma smiled, the henna was at least up till my elbows!!

"Megan the dress! Zack go get the cake! Come one every one!" My mom ordered, she had gone past the extents to make sure this special day was going to be perfect!

"Mama the wedding is at night! Why are you starting everything at ten in the morning?" I asked.



"Because everything has to be perfect!" My mom exclaimed, I had never seen her so excited. "Your wedding gown, you're going to look past beautiful in it!"

The wedding gown had been a surprise for Jedayel, he didn't get to see it until the event!

"Ok, the cake is going to be delivered at the wedding hall, the dress is perfectly fine and the photographists are coming, there is absolutely no problem," Megan reported.

"Ok great," My mom said calming down a little.

"Ameerah, go shower! Then we can go to the saloon for your make up!" My grandma exclaimed.

"Jaddah (grandma) The lebanese all have cake face make up, I don't want it so done up!" I rebelled.

"It's true Aasiyah, simple is better and looks stunning," My mom backed me up.

"Ok, ok, than we still have a spa appointment, they wash you in rose water, you'll smelll amazing," My grandma said.

"Ok," I laughed as my mom grabbed the car keys and drove Megan, My grandma and me to the spa.

"Oh this is relaxing!" My mom sighed as the spa lady rubbed her facial into her face.

"Yeah," The three of us agreed in unison.

"This should take three hours so we'll be back home by four, than you ladies rest up for an hour than at five every one should start getting ready, got it?" My grandma planned for us.

When we got home at four, I fell straight asleep, I was exhausted, but I think my mom was the most exhausted out of all of us! She checked on the dress when we got home than went to sleep.. That one hour of sleep was the shortest one hour in the entire universe of one hours!!

"Yallah ya nas (quickly people)!" My mom exclaimed at five, "Zack get up, get dressed! Megan, Ameerah! Up!"

Megan got out of bed like lightning, and then pulled me out of bed as well.

"Go wash your face," She ordered.

My mom and Megan both helped me into my wedding gown, it was beautiful, my mom had picked it out! It was long sleeved and had a dark blue design embroidered around the hem of the dress and around the edge of the sleeves, and there was a lacey kind of design around the skirt of the dress. My mom tied a short silver necklace around my neck which looked perfect with the 'V' shape neck of the dress. 

Megan heated up the curling iron and began curling my loose locks into elegant ones while my mom carefully applied my make up, and outlined my eyes with eyeliner and mascara. After Megan had curled my whole head, she put a sapphire blue shade of nail polish on my carefully grown nails, we had chosen dark blue to match Jedayel's ring! My mom tied up my curled hair into a complicated knot and delicately placed shiny barrettes to keep my hair in place. She then made me wear long silver earings.

"All done," My mom and Megan sighed together after two long hours.

"I can't believe she sat so quietly through all that," Megan teased nudging my mom.

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