Chapter 13: And Back

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Things have calmed down. No attacks, no fights, no drama. Just calm. Everyone was preparing to leave, they couldn't stay there any longer. For many reasons, but the main reason being Zariah.

Lauren was the one to announce it saying that it was to dangerous to stay any longer. She had no idea where they would go but all she knew was they couldn't stay there. She thought about places to go but none seemed like the right place.

"Are you guys ready?" Lauren ask everyone. She glanced around the living room to see everyone nod their heads.

"Where are we going?" Camila ask. She was the only one questioning why they were leaving so suddenly.

"I don't know." Lauren replies. Camila does saying anything more, she's grown accustomed to Lauren's behavior these last few days.

Since she has woken up she noticed the change in attitude from the older girl. She first thought it to be about the death of her brother, but seeing as she talks to everyone else she knows it's only her. She blames herself, if she hadn't got hurt none of this would have happened.

"I'll help you with your bags." Zayn says. He had been watching Camila struggle for a few seconds. Knowing the girl hasn't been strong these last few days.

"Thanks." Camila replies softly.

"Time to go." Lauren says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Wait I have to make sure the baby is tucked in." Harry says. He adjusted the little strap like bed around his shoulder, making sure the baby is safe. "Done."

Lauren walks out the door followed my Madison. The rest of the group soon follow the duo.

They had been walking for a couple of hours when the baby started getting cranky. Harry tried to comfort her but it didn't work.

"Ally do you mind?" He ask. Ally shakes her head and hands Ryan to Dinah. Dinah quickly takes the sleeping boy.

"Hello Zariah." Ally Greer's the baby. She is used to her breast being used to feed the baby. Zariah cries until Ally starts feeding her.

"I'm bored guys." Normani says. Walking for hours without talking is not the ideal thing to do.

"What do you want to do play hide and seek?" Madison says sassily. Normani rolls her eyes.

"No but we can find something to do." Normani says.

"Why don't we get to know each other more?" Harry says.

"I'll start." Zayn clears his throat. "I'm Zain Javadd Malik but I go my Zayn. And I'm 27 years old." Zayn finishes.

"I'm Harry Edward Styles but I go by Harry. And I'm 25 years old." Harry says.

"I'm Allyson Brooke Hernandez, but I go by Ally. And I'm 26 years old."

"Dinah Jane Milika Illaisaane Hansen, but I go by Dinah or Dj. And I'm 22 years old." Dinah says.

"I'm Normani Kodei Hamilton, but I go my Mani. And I'm 23 years old."

"I'm Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman, but I go by Z or Zendaya. And I'm 22 years old."

"Madison Elle Beer, but I go by Madison. And im 20 years old."

"I'm Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, but I go my Camila or Mila. And I'm 22 years old."

Lauren didn't even try to involve herself with their little get to know me chat. She was more focused on finding a safe place.

"Lauren it's your turn." Madison said.

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