Chapter1: The crashing star

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There she was. Allyson Hatthaway, sitting on the house top, in the middle of nowhere looking and drawing at the star like she always do. It's was nearly midnight or past it, Allyson had once again lost track in the time but it's didn't matter.

As she stared a certain spot in the sky to redraw the perfect galaxy she double-looked to see a green light that seemed to be coming toward the earth or more exactly; right at her! The light was coming at a speed so fast that she didn't have the time to react before it's reached its destination.

With a loud CRASH and BOOM it's landed on the grass in front of the house, making a big wind storm that had Allyson trying to grip at something to not fall from her spot.

When she feel the wind calm down, she looked at the place where the "green star" had landed to only find that it had created a big crater in the middle of her courtyard.

Not losing a minute, she got down from her spot and speed toward it. When she got close enough for her liking, she slowed down her pace to careful step, in fear of the unknown thing. She gasped at the view of what she thought to be a "star", which in reality, revealed to be a "human". But no human could survive a crash of that type without his body breaking and destroying itself, so it couldn't be human... but still, what could look exactly like one and not be one? Deciding that she had pondered enough on the subject, she descended the small hill of the inside of the crater, to the middle where the person was lying. He mostly wore green, but very strange clothes, like if he was cosplaying. His long raven black hairs contrasted perfectly with his snow pale skin. He seemed extremely tall, even if he was lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. He was godly good looking.

He was still in one piece, nothing broken, nada, which seemed strange and confirmed her suspicion of him not being human in the first place. She looked around as she was trying to find a way to move him out of there when her eyes felt on a long metallic thing not too far from him. She slowly walked toward it and picked it up for further explorations. It was made of some sort of light gold metal. It curved a little in the middle, like a wave, to divide in two pointed stem at the end, with a strange blue stone in the middle.

Allyson jumped back at the sound of the man groaning. She pointed the metallic thing in his direction in some type of defense position, but relaxed when she saw that he was still unconscious.
Relaxing, she in turn groaned at the realisation that she couldn't just let him lying there and that the only way that she would be able to get him inside the house was by dragging him with her two poor arms.

She firstly got the metallic thing inside her house and came back to get the man. After almost an hour, she finally got the man inside the kitchen door. She took a little break to take her breath back, before carrying on with the mission of dragging that man, toward the couch this time. She placed him, not without multiple difficulties, on the couch, before getting him a pillow and a blanket.

Pretty worn out by all the exercise that dragging him was, she sleepily walked upstairs to flop herself on her bed and feel asleep without any problem.
Chapter edited

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