Chapter 12: The little big surprise

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The days after passed so fast that before she even knew it, it was already Christmas. Since her little moment with Steve, Allyson got closer than ever with him, making her at the same time happy, but also worried. Worried about her love who was stuck in a prison in another world, surely watching her from time to time, and the fact that she was beginning to be scared that her friendship with Steve would go to the next step in his mind, or maybe even for her. Allyson loved Loki a lot, but she was beginning to stress herself over all of this so much, that sometimes she passed hours thinking only about this.

Allyson was brought out of her thought when she heard a 'ding' coming from the oven. wearing oven mitt, to not burn herself, with how clumsy she could be, and took the little cookies out. The warm smell of the cookies all type of Christmas theme form almost made her stomach growl. She deplaced them in a plate to be able to transport them to the Stark Tower, where the Christmas party would be held and celebrated by the team. Tony surprised everybody when he told them all that he wouldn't make a big party full of strangers, wanting this years to be only the team together, in a peaceful atmosphere. Allyson laughed at the memorie of everybody face, even more at Clint, who totally falled out of te vent when he heard Tony announcement.

 Allyson got her shoes on, and her cloack on top of her little green dress. She didn't need to worry herself about forgetting one of her gift, as she already had them in her car because she was scared of forgetting one of them at home.

Finally ready to go, you got your car keys in the ignition and started your drive toward Stark Tower.

Allyson shut the car door and opened the back seat one, where all her gift were, perfectly wrapped. She thought about taking them all upstair in one shot but thought better than risquing to break one of them or even trip and break them all in one strike. She also didn't really felt like having to go all the way upstair, get back down to her car and go back upstair... and do this for at least three time. Just as she were debating on her woderfull choice (see the sarcasm) and other way to get the gifts on the top floor, she heard a familiar voice behind her, making her smile.

« Hey Allyson.» Greeted Steve his words puffing clouds of air because of the temperature beginning to drop a little more.

«Hey.» She replied a warm smile on her cute face which, got pink because of the droop in wam outside.

«Is everything alright?» He asked a little worried when he saw her bitting the top of her tumb in reflection, and hoped that she only saw the dusting pink on his cheek as a cause from the cold air of the night.

« Well...» Allyson hesitated a little bit before going on.«Not really, I don't know how I'm going to get all those gifts upstairs, without making myself tired for the rest of the night.

Steve chuckled a little at her silliness and smiled warmly at her innocent and melancholic expression.«Let me help you with them.» He say delicately pushing her to the side, not letting her a chance to have a matter of say in it.

Allyson wasn't the type of person to use other people generousity, which was rare in this selfish city, and was most of the time the one who was being used for her generosity at the end. But she couldn't say that the hand that Steve was willing to give didn't make her smile at the hope that some people were still good and generous in this lost place.

Steve took most of her gift leaving her only two small one and the plate of cookies that she did ( because not only did Tony threatened her, but also the rest of the team, to bring her delicious cookies) and walked toward the elevator. Allyson told JARVIS the number of the floor to which they were going.

«You didn't bring any gifts?» She asked him confused, only now remarking that he didn't have any gift that wasn't in her car earlier in his broad and musculars amrs.

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