Brother, My Brother

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Lyrics in bold. I was kinda going for an Indie-Blues vibe, so acoustic steel guitar along with blues-tuned electric, little bits of cymbals for accent, a slow bass guitar rythm, and the drums being used as accents elsewhere too. It's a slow song, so a lot of the lyrics will be sang kinda long, and imagine bluesy guitar licks and drum bits n'peices between lines, only a couple seconds long. Just let your mind make the music happen.

Oh brother
Bane of
My mother
Why you always goin'

Couldn't ever get around
So you decided
To skip outta town
Spreading lies
With a frown and

My brother
Pain of
Can't help but ask you
Why, why oh

You were all we wanted
But we weren't for you
Constantly taunted
Those floodgates
Broke through

No, brother
We're not
Your other
Bad old family

Our brother
We still
Love you and
Hope you do too

Even though you
Made us blue
Cain't help uh-askin' just
Why, oh why, why
We weren't enough
And you were so rough

Oh, brother
You can't have
No other
Father and mother
Some place

But brother
My poor brother
We'll all still wait for
The day
Don't forget your new name
You were a lion to tame
Oh, brother
My brother
Why couldn't you stay?

  So there ya have it, a bluesy number that just felt like it needed to happen. It is, obviously, about my older brother, and his relationship with my family-as you can tell, a rocky one. We're still working on forgiving him, all of us. Or at least we're trying. It's not easy, especially with the way he's been living and talking, though he isn't in our lives anymore. If you're the praying type, please just offer up a short prayer asking for the Lord's will in Kris's life. 
He's going to church and talking the talk, but just can't seem to walk the walk. How'd you like this one?

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