3. Spontaneous

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I can't help but head to my favourite cafe on campus. They do the best take away fries, and there are computers so I can do a little studying away from my dorm. The wind whips my hair as I walk, and I breathe in the sweet scent of fall. It calms me down, and I almost feel normal by the time I arrive at the Coffee Hatch.

I can't really blame my mum for being concerned. My first year in college had been somewhat disastrous. I had come straight from high school into the dance program, where the girls were as talented as they were thin (which is very). Me, being my curvy, shorter self, struggled a lot with my weight, eventually leading to a period of a few months where I was eating basically nothing, and doing intense practices and dancing for hours and hours on end.

It all came crashing down when I failed my dance exam due to passing out, and Kara helped me see that what I was doing to my body was ultimately making it fail. From then on I worked on being healthy and improving myself. I switched majors to something that I cared about almost as much as dance - business and event management - and I have been thriving ever since.

I didn't want to tell my parents what was going on, but since they pay for my degree, they would probably notice when the bills changed. The conversation had been hard, but even harder was the constant concern my mum had decided to shower over me. It was unnecessary. I'm happier now than I have been in a long time. Perhaps I drink a little excessively, but the only reason I dance now is for my own enjoyment. And I like it that way.

A small cough interrupts my thoughts while I wait in line and I realise I am now at the front. I quickly step up and order my usual "fries with extra salt and a hot chocolate'. The guy behinds me steps forward and slaps down his card before I even pull out my wallet to pay. 

"And a soy latte thanks Bridget" I look up to see a familiar face winking at the barista. She smiles and runs his card. "Anytime, Jesse..." Her trail off suggests that she's not just offering to get him beverages anytime, and I snigger slightly.

"Thought you might need something to fix the hangover" Jesse comments,, leading me toward a table by the window. "How do you know I'm hungover?" I may be crazy to sit down with this boy, but he did just pay for my food.

"Well, you were putting them away last night" I look at him and try to remember seeing him. "OH MY GOSH! Face swallower!" I burst out laughing. He laughs and... blushes?! "Uh yeah, sorry if we were in your way, and actually it's just Jesse" I settle down from laughing just as Bridget brings out our drinks. "Your chips will be ready soon" she snaps, glaring at me. I just give her a thumbs up and turn my attention back to Jesse.

"And you're Alexis, right? Unless you wear the wrong name badge at work" I nod and pick up my hot chocolate. "I thought you looked familiar" he picks up his coffee and takes a sip "ugh hot!".

I put my drink down to save myself from getting burnt "So, you're the bosses son?" He sighs and wipes up the spilled coffee and gives me a small smile "don't hate me for it". "You're good" I respond playfully. He smiles and is about to say something when his phone rings "Oops sorry" he steps away for a second and I pull out my phone. 3 texts from Kara

Kara. 4.38PM
Where are you?

Kara. 4.40PM
I'm bored.

Kara. 4.45PM
My parents are boring. Can't wait to come home.

The last one was sent about 10 minutes ago. I glance up and notice the concern on Jesse's face. He is tense as he hangs up and walks toward me. "Sorry, I have to go". He throws a tip on the table and looks at me apologetically. "It's fine, I should go too". I walk out the door with him and then stand there awkwardly for a second.

"I'm this way", he points in the opposite direction that I'm going. "I'm the other way" he smiles slightly and sticks out his hand "It was good to officially meet you" I laugh and take his hand. It's warm and soft, compared to my ripped up calluses from lifting weights. His face shows some confusion for a split second but then he lets go and starts to head off.

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