14. Caught

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Tuesday rolls around in no time, and I leave Jake's early (to lots of little goodbye kisses) because he has an appointment. I'm called in to take over a shift since some of the servers are sick. My mind is still on Jesse while I'm serving the fabulously overdressed and hung over housewives of the rich men who pay their club dues.

The day after thanksgiving weekend is notorious for hangover cures, soft music being played by the pianist, and loud noises being severely discouraged. Staff are also informed to speak softer than usual, and have more jugs of water on the tables, and aspirin handy.

Since I slept so well in Jesse's bed last night, I'm the most awake (and sober) server, and automatically take the more important guests. We pretty much know them by sight now.

I seat Mr Carmicheal with a woman who is mostly definitely not Mrs Carmicheal, and take their orders. Two Bloody Mary's later, I'm sitting at the counter pretending to look busy when Gloria walks through the door. She gives me a wave and heads over to her table.

I take up a pad and walk over to where she is. "Good morning Gloria! How are you?"

Even though my voice is soft she gives a slight wince and pulls her dark sunglasses off her face. "I'm simply ghastly" she rasps, and I nod in sympathy. "What can I do for you?".

She tucks her glasses into her bag (Chanel) and pulls out a little compact. "I'm meeting a very special lady here today, and I need to look presentable". Without a word I pull a couple of aspirin out of my pocket and put them in front of her.

"You are a godsend" she commends, throwing them back dry. "Alright, I'm going to need three big stacks of pancakes, extra fluffy, and don't bring them out until my guests are here". I nod and write it down, "I'll make sure they're kept warm until your company arrives".

The order is delivered to the kitchen, along with the special instructions, and I send some of the girls out to deliver to the other tables while I handle some newcomers. I'm taking the order of Carly and Jenny Poulos, daughters to the multimillionaire, when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes Liana?" I greet my one of the waitresses. "Mrs Callaghans guests are here". I nod and keep my gaze on the Poulos girls. They generally don't like to be interrupted. "Get them seated and bring out the pancakes". She whisks away and I smile at the girls.

"Sorry about that. Now, what can I get you?"

They look past me and giggle. "I'd like one of those" Jenny points, and I turn to see that she's pointing at Jesse. I automatically smile, though he hasn't seen me yet, and turn back to them. "Unfortunately ladies, Mr Callaghan is not on the menu".

Carly laughs quietly and gives me a smile. She's always been the nicer one. "I'll have an omelette please" I write down her order, and wait for Jenny. She's still looking at Jesse and I stifle both impatience and a little burst of jealousy.

"I guess someone got to him before I did' she sighs and turns back to the menu.

My blood runs cold and my heart stops. Now that I'm listening, I can hear a lighter female voice talking with Gloria.

"Are you writing this down?!" Jenny demands my attention and I force it back to the situation in front of me. "I'm sorry, I missed that".

She rolls her eyes and reads to me off the menu "I would like poached eggs on sourdough bread with some avocado on the side" my nod is robotic as I write it down and strain to hear the conversation behind me.

"Are you ok?" Carly asks me, a concerned look on her face. I smile politely and give them a thumbs up "Never better", I respond, "your food will be out shortly".

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