-A new feeling-

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"Dear diary, something inside me has changed, being around Error has made me feel something new. What is it? Is it love? Everything he does to me is so adorable... I'm going to ask dream about this. That's all I have today." Ink closed his diary and put it in his back pocket. "Well, I'm gonna go talk to the Star Sanses, I'll be back though Error, I'll cya later." Ink says. "Oh ok, cya later Ink" Error replies. As ink opens his portal, the diary falls out. Ink doesn't notice and leaves. Error picks it up. He puts his glasses on and reads it. Error blushes, he feels the same way and freaks out. He sits down blushing. The cat sits on his lap and he crashes.

Ink walks through a portal to see Blue and dream talking. They both look at Ink and smile brightly. "Ink!!" They both yell. Ink is still hurt, but he acts fine. "How are ya pall?" Blueberry asks "heh I'm doing good swap!" Ink replies. "Heya guys, I got something to ask." Ink says quietly. "We are listening" dream says. "Well- I got this new feeling... I didn't use any vials, the feeling just appeared.-" dream cuts ink off. "It's the feeling of love isn't it" he says. Ink goes rainbow. A Lenny face appears on Blueberry's face. "So who is this lucky person??" Blue ask's. "You are not gonna like who.." Ink replies. "Is it my brother." Dream asks with a shocked face. "No, no. It's uhh- ummm, it's Error...." Ink mumbles. Blue and Dream look at eachother. "He's one of our biggest enemies..." Blue says."I know- but, he has a good side.." Ink says. "Are you sure.. he could be tricking you..." Dream says. "Yes I'm sure. But Dream, I need advice, what do I do..?" Ink asks. "Talk to him, get closer and closer. Then go for it." Dream responds. They all then talk to eachother.

Back to Error.

Error is still crashed. Fresh jumps in and sees. "Woah- broski what happened to you? Brotato?" Fresh walks up to Error and sees a button that says, 'reboot' he presses it and Error starts rebooting. Error finished rebooting and throws book. "AHHH" the book hits fresh and he falls over. "Ow that wasn't nice man, but it's cool." Fresh gets up. "Get the funk out!" Error says. "Language pal." fresh sees the cat. "Looks like ya got a feline friend. Radical bruh!" A slipper was thrown at fresh, "alrighty bro I'm goin" fresh leaves. Error then tps the book back in ink's pocket.

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